HKLNA-Project Newsletter No. 5
Monthly Accomplishments (February 2003)

The Three Monkeys of Stagnation

See no evil

After leaving the station a middle-aged man, probably in his 40s, hurried home to attend a meeting with his girlfriend. She had promised to prepare him a special meal, but only on the condition that he not be late. Apparently her boyfriend was always tardy when they met, and she wanted to break him of his habit. Though she was completely unaware of it, he had arranged their meeting in order to announce his proposal for marriage. To this end he purchased a very expensive ring that he suddenly discovered missing when he arrived at the door of his residence. As he remembered hearing something fall along his way from the station, he hurried back to that very place. Unfortunately it was already quite dark and the place only dimly illuminated by a distant lamppost. Although the ring was there he never found it, because he searched in the direction of the lightpost, rather than further into the darkness where the ring had fallen. The marriage never took place.

Hear no evil

It was a crowded street with many passers-by. There was an unusual noise, but the mixed-group paid no serious attention, as there are many noises on a crowded street, and the group was too intent on its own business so as to be bothered by still another disturbance. When one of the group finally looked up, it was too late, because the object, which had broken away from the tenth story of a high-rise building next to where they were walking, had already appoached close enough to crush most of them. The woman who had looked up managed to escape injury.

Speak no evil

A man was presented with a plausible solution to a major problem, but failed to show an interest for whatever reason. The man retained his job and was even promoted. The man who presented the solution was quickly forgotten, but the problem did not go away.

Government Relations (see above)

Fund Raising

Community Relations
Hong Kong business is not interested in the resolution of social problems that could benefit a self-enterprizing company unless of course the company is already well-established in the community. All companies are welcome to join and pay dues.

Website additions and maintenance
Thanks to the group the HKLNA-Project website underwent major renovation.

Strategy Update

Five full months have passed and the HKLNA-Project has yet to make it into the starting gate. So as not to become embittered by the cool, indifferent, and rude reception with which EARTH has been received by so many in the Hong Kong community, and so as not to endanger the tremendous goodwill shown to EARTH by its friends; the HKLNA-Project will be placed on the back burner until other projects also closely related to EARTH's survival can be further developed. If you do not hear from EARTH about the HKLNA-Project for some time, please do not despair; widespread ignorance is seldom overcome by either suicide or war, but rather through patience, endurance, tolerance, and understanding.


Despite the obvious technical difficulties of indirect electronic bulletin board communication in four (sometimes five) languages EARTH would like once again to express its gratitude to the (opens to new window) bulletin board for providing EARTH with the important feedback it has been so dearly missing from its Hong Kong hosts. Ms. Doris HO and Christina YEUNG of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust also deserve special thanks for bringing it to EARTH's attention that the road ahead is likely to be long, but the door remains open. Lillian D. and Karl E. STEGEMANN and their coordinated effort provided life-threatening financial support; and OKIYAMA Fumitoshi and HORIE Yuji, former members of the Hashimori Kenkyukai, donated both time and money to round out the otherwise very rough edges. As always, EARTH would like to express its gratitude to Dr. Peter P. BARON, Roger STEWART, TAKAGI Kimiaki, and Dr. Juha I. UITTO for their continued moral support and backing. Of course, there are those whose names I have not mentioned, but whose kindness has helped EARTH to keep its head high and spirit in tact.

Finally, the HKLNA-Project is far from over, just do not expect great changes in the very near future. Who knows, maybe EARTH will surprize you; it has already found many things in the dark without a flashlight.


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Ma On Shan Post Office, Hong Kong, China
Tel/Fax: 852 2630 0349