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A few things you and your childĀ  should know
  1. In 2002 more HKCEE candidates sat for either of the two English language syllabi, than any other subject area including Chinese language and mathematics.

  2. In 2002 HKCEE candidates were more likely to pass their mathematics, economics, physics, biology, and chemistry syllabi, than their English language syllabus.

  3. Only 37 percent of all Hong Kong students who sit for the HKCEE make it into a senior secondary program.

  4. Unless your child ranks in the top 20 percent  of his or her class, his or her chances of passing the HKCEE are less than one in three.

  5. There are more students who do not sit for the HKCEE, than there are students who pass both the HKCEE and HKALE and make it into a Hong Kong university.

  6. In a recent survey conducted by EARTH it was determined that 55% of all Hong Kong employers require fluency in the English language among secondary form V and VII graduates.

These facts were obtained from research findings of the Hong Kong Language Needs Assessment (HKLNA) Project.