data collection index (data | graphs | tables) project index quality assessment
English or languish - Probing the ramifications
of Hong Kong's language policy

Quality Assessment
The Opportunity Cost of English Language Education

Getting along with others overseas
Supplemental graphs and charts

Graph 57 - Hong Kong's Service and Merchandise Exports as a Proportion  of Gross Domestic Product.
graph 52a | graph 58 | collection index (graphs)
  Hong Kong's Service and Merchandise Exports as a Proportion of Gross Domestic Product (Pie Chart)
Source: Hong Kong Census and Statistics Bureau. Hong Kong in Figures. National income and balance of payments. Gross Domestic Product [online document] (February 2004).
Source: Hong Kong Census and Statistics Bureau. Hong Kong in Figures. External trade. Exports and imports of services by major service group. Exports of service. [online document] (Febrary 2004).
Source: Hong Kong Census and Statistics Bureau. Hong Kong in Figures. External trade.  Merchandise trade by main country/territory. [online document] (February 2004).
