


What is your name please? Are you not the one who (is coming / came / has come) by boat?

Note 1: The base pattern is A是不是B的。The speaker asks A whether he is not the same as B的A, where B的 is a relative clause that describes A. A is understood in the second clause.


They are coming tomorrow. Can you come as well?

Note 1: The base pattern is a question of the form A,B嗎﹖The speaker is asking for information. Simply by adding the end-particle 嗎 to the statement A,Ba question is formed.

Note 2: As is often the case the temporal adverb 明日 is placed before the verb and after the subject.

Note 3: 也 has the same meaning as 都 in this context. The corresponding base pattern is AC,B也會C, where C is something that both Aand Bcan do.

Note 4: One can only wonder why 會is preferred over 可以. Obviously 會 does not refer to some talent or acquired skill that Bhas. Perhaps 會 emphasizes that Bis free to decide whether C will be performed or not -- not someone else.


Many people were buying books in that store yesterday.

Note 1: The base pattern is A在B裡C, where Cis an activity performed by Ainside B. B裡 is the location where C is performed.

Note 2: The temporal adverb 昨日 is placed at the beginning of the sentence, rather than before the verb phrase 在B裡C。Would it have been wrong to write 很多人昨日在那個鋪子裡買書?

Note 3: The second verb 買書 appears to be a compound verb in which the verb and its object are combined to form a single verb. No indication of the number of books is given.

Note 4: Although the sentence is obvious in the past, the verb is in the present tense. This suggests that the sentence describes a condition of the past during which some other, in this case unmentioned, act occurs. Hence the translation "were buying" as opposed to "bought".


You (read / use) this book alot. Is it the one you bought at that store?

Note 1: One can only wonder, why the above sentence was not written 這本書很好看,是不是你在那個鋪子買的﹖

The absence of either the question indicator 是不是 or an end-particle such as 嗎 or 呢 emphasizes how easy it is to turn a statement into a question. Of course, the absence of an end-particle may be due to the presence of 的.

Even in the sentence had been written 這本書很好看,你在那個鋪子買的 could it not have been made clearer? What is the base pattern of 你這本書好看, anyway? This sentence is very discouraging for the beginner, and I should think even somewhat troubling for a native speaker.

Note 2: Though there is no mention of the past, the purchase of the books must have already taken place. Still, there is no past tense indicator. Is it because the verb forms part of the relative clause 在那個鋪子買?


1) There are many people downstairs and on the second and third floors.

2) There are many people downstairs on the second and third floors.

Note 1: What is the relationship between the second and third floors and the downstairs. Surely the comma between 二樓 and 三樓 is used as a substitute for the conjunction "and", but what does the comma mean between 樓下 and the second and third floors. Does 樓下 mean downstairs (a general location) or does it mean the first or ground floor (a far more specific location, when there are more than two floors).

Note 2: There is apparently no need for the location marker 在 in this context. Is it because of the presence of 有 meaning "there are"?

Note 3: The base pattern must be either 樓下A,B都有C where Aand B are the second floors, or A,B,C都有D were A, B, andC are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors, respectively.


Outside the school are 19 people. How many are inside?

Note 1: The speaker knows how many are outside 外頭 and would like to know how many are inside 裡頭. The base pattern is B外頭有A,(B)裡頭有A, where B is the place outside and inside of which A are present. The statement is made into a question by placing the question word 外少 before the second occurrence of A.

Note 2: Once again the location indicator 在 is not needed. This would suggest, as was previously thought, that 在 is properly used with a place where some activity takes place, as in the construction A在BC, where B is the place where A performs C.

Note 3: The above pattern is consistent with the base pattern B有A, where Bis the place that A is present.


Going by boat is expensive. (Is it expensive by car? / What about by car? Is it expensive? )

Note 1: Literally 坐船 means to ride (sit) on a boat and 坐車 means to ride (sit) in a car. In this context, they mean "by boat" and "by car", respectively.

Note 2: The base pattern is A不C,BC不C﹖, where C is an attribute of A, and the speaker wants to know if C is also an attribute of B. What is compared can be just about anything -- in this case modes of travel.


My son is not teaching today, because no students came.

Note 1: It is difficult to know how to translate this sentence in the absence of context. The base pattern appears to be A不B,因為C沒有Dwhere Bis what A does not do, because C did not do D. Surely, 沒有來 is the negative simple past of 來.

Note 2: 我的兒子appears rather than 我兒子. This contrasts with the expression 我太太, as we have seen many times before.

Note 3: The temporal adverb 今日 occurs at its usual place before the verb phrase, in this case 不教書.

Note 4: The all inclusive marker 都 appears before the verb phrase 沒有夾 to indicate that "all students" did not come, or in other words that "no student" came.


I cannot write any of the characters, what if you were to teach them to me tomorrow? / I do not know how to write any of these characters, could you teach them to me tomorrow?

Note 1: Obviously there are a large number of ways to translate this sentence. Probably the best way to get at the root meaning, is to simply drop the question marker 好不好. Then, the sentence becomes "I cannot write any of these characters; tomorrow you will teach them to me." The question marker 好不好 indicate that the speaker is looking for approval of his idea -- in this case, that the listener teach him how to write the characters that the speaker cannot.

Note 2: The placement of the "all inclusive" marker 都 before the verb phrase 不會寫 refers back to the direct object that is placed at the beginning of the sentence. It means that "all" of the characters to which the speaker has just referred are treated the same by the verb that follows. The negative indicator is placed before the term 會, not before 寫.

Note 3: Another possible reason for the placement of the direct object at the beginning of the sentence is the word's use as the object of two verb phrases -- namely, 都不會寫 and 教我寫. This is similar to the Japanese construction "A wa, B, C", where B and C are both about A. The direct object of the verb phrase 教我寫 is understood.

Note 4: The temporal adverb 明日 appears in its usual place before the verb.


He is not coming today. Will he not come tomorrow? / He did not come today. Surely he will come tomorrow, won't he?

Note 1: This sentence could be translated in even more ways, but no matter which way is elected the end-particle 呢 plays an important role. It indicates continued expectation about his coming.

Note 2: Had the speaker said 他今日不來,明日來呢﹖how would the meaning of the question have changed?

Note 3: The temporal adverb assumes its usual place before the verb phrases, but after the subject.

Note 4: The subject is not repeated, even though the sentence switches from a statement to a question in the second clause. The base pattern is A今日不B,明日B不B﹖


Is the person reading in front of the school your friend? /Are the people reading in front of the school your friends?

Note 1: As the base pattern is the simple construction A是不是B﹖one can only wonder why a comma is needed.

Note 2: The base pattern of the subject is given by the following: 那個B的A, where both the relative clauseB的 and the demonstrative pronoun and its counter describe A.

Note 3: Why is the 個 counter employed, but not the 些 pronoun with 那, if more than one person is meant? Is there only one person? If so, why does the subject phrase not read: 那在學校前頭看書的一個人? Is it that 那 cannot stand alone before a noun, and that the phrase 那個B的一個人would be a redundant use of the word 個?

Note 4: The adverbial location modifier 在學校前頭 appears before the verb phrase 看書. It indicates the place of action. The pattern 在AB, where Bis a descriptor of the location is not new. We have seen it before in the forms 在A外頭 and 在A裡頭.

Note 5: Does 看書 mean "read books" or does it simply mean "reading"? Could it not mean "read a book" in this case? If the intended meaning were singular,would it not be more correct to write 看一本書?


They are coming to eat the day after tomorrow, not today.

Note 1: The base pattern is A後日B,今日不B。B is repeated in both phrases. Could one not have written A後日B,不今日 and meant the same thing? Verb repetition appears to be fairly common.

Note 2: Another base pattern that we have already seen many times is the following: A來BC, where Bis the place 這裡 to which A comes, and C is the activity 吃飯 in which he engages after having arrived.

Note 3: In this instance 這裡 is the place, and it means here. The opposite of 這裡 is 那裡 which means there. This use of 裡 differs substantially from that in the adverbial expression 裡頭 meaning "inside".


I go by boat tomorrow; he comes by boat the day after. / I am going by boat tomorrow; he is coming by boat the day after. / I will go by boat tomorrow; and he will come by boat the day after.

Note 1: The place one goes, or that from which one comes is not necessary in conjunction with the verbs 去 and 來.

Note 2: How one distinguishes among the three English translations in Chinese is unclear.
