data collection index (data | graphs | tables) project index quality assessment
English or languish - Probing the ramifications
of Hong Kong's language policy

Quality Assessment
Hong Kong's Information Society
The structure, flow, use, and language of information in Hong Kong society

Hong Kong's Information Technology and Telecommunications Industries

Graph 98 - IT&T contribution to Hong Kong's gross domestic product by industry 2000-2002.
graph 99 | graph 100 | graphs 101a, 101b, and 101c | graphs 102a and 102b | graph 103 | data collection (graphs)
HK IT&T Industries Contribution to GDP 2000-2002 (Stacked Bar Chart)
Note: These values were obtained by adding the amount paid (factor costs) to labor and capital inputs and dividing by GDP for the entire economy. For a more detailed explanation see Census and Statistics Department. Statistical Literacy. Understanding the  concepts of gross domestic product. Income (factor cost) approach. [online document] (10 June 2004).
Source:  Hong Kong Government. Census and Statistics Department. Information Technology and Telecommunications Statistics Section. 2003. Obtained on special request.  EARTH's copy of corresponding table available as .xls or .pdf document on request
