
目的全字聲母韻母聲調 句子 ︱文法a


I don't know English either, so please do not ask me. Go ask Mr. Cheung.

Note 1: The base pattern of the first sentence part is A也不會Bwhere Bis something that A is also unable to do. Though 也 can probably be interpreted in different ways, without greater context this appears to be the most appropriate interpretation.

Note 2: The base pattern of the second sentence part 請B吧, where Bis something that the speaker asks the listener to do -- namely, that the listener not ask the speaker, but rather go and ask Mr. Cheung. Thus, the construction 請B吧 appears to be that of a suggestive command.

Note 3: How to translate 要 in this context is problematic. Treating it as a modal verb meaning to want or ask is redundant. Perhaps it is better to think of 要問 as a double character that means 問.


Mrs. Fung likes to talk while she is eating. As a result one meal takes two hours.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A喜歡B,所以C要D, where C requires D, because Aenjoys doing B. Of course C要D in this context has a far more idiomatic meaning to spend time.

Note 2: The expression 吃一次飯要兩小時 is of the form A一次要B小時 where A is an activity that performed once takes Bhours to complete. Important to note hear is the separability of 吃 and 飯 to make room for the adverbial modifier 一次. Under other circumstances they are written together as 吃飯.

Note 3: The phrase 在吃飯的時候 is of particular interest because 在 is used in combination with an activity 吃飯 in order to indicate a special time E的時候. In other words it is while eating 在吃飯的時候 that Mrs. Fong likes to talk 方太太喜歡說話.


Inside the restaurant there are quite a few very tall USAmericans eating Chinese food and drinking English wine.

Note 1: The base pattern is 有AB,C where Band C are activities performed by A. In this case Aare 好幾個很高的美國人 who are eating Chinese food 吃中國菜 and drinking English wine 喝英國酒.

Note 2: The phrase 好幾 is used in conjunction with the counter for people 個 to describe the number of people 人. It is of the base pattern 好幾 + counter + noun. Also important to note is that it occurs before the adjective phrase 很高的 used to describe 美國人. This is different from Japanese in which the adjective phrase is often placed before a definitive noun.

Note 3: The adverb of location 酒家裡 is placed before the verb 有 and appears to form another base pattern -- namely, B裡有A, where B is the place where there are A. The absence of 在 is noteworthy.

Note 4: Once again, 酒 probably indicates a much broader category of alcoholic beverages than wine, but what English speaker would say "drinking English alcoholic beverages" or "drinking alcohol"?


Please have them wait another half an hour. Once I have finished this letter, I will come.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is 請A再B,我一C就D. In other words, please have Acontinue to do B, until I have performed C and can do D.

Note 2: The phrase A再Bmust be treated together as it is what the speaker would have Ado again, if he were to ask them directly. In this case the speaker wants that 他們 wait another half an hour 再等半點鐘.

Note 3: The phrase 我一寫完信就來 contains the special phrasing pattern 一C就 D which means that D follows C as soon as D has occurred. In this case Cis the completion of a letter 寫完信 and D is my coming 我來. 我 is the understood subject of the second verb.

One might wonder why 了 is not used in place of 完.


Mrs Cheung asked me to go with her to buy a book, but I cannot go. Could you please tell her?

Note 1: The base pattern A請我跟A去B,我不想去. In other words Ahas asked the speaker 我 to go with A and do B, but A has no intention to do so. A is replaced by the pronoun 她 in the second instance. A wants to go and buy books -- namely, 去買書.

Note 2: The base pattern of the second phrase is A可以B嗎 where the speaker asks A if he could perform B. In this case B means telling Mrs. Cheung on the speaker's behalf that the speaker will not be going -- 告訴她. What is to be told is understood. The phrase 可以 indicates permission, rather than ability. Also, notice that the person to be told is the direct object of the telling.


The songs she sings really sound good. Tomorrow when she returns, I will ask her to sing again.

Note 1: The base pattern of the first phrase is A的B真好C. Where Bare songs 歌 sung 唱 by someone 他,who is male and will return on the following day 明天他再來. The songs he sings are really good 真好聽. The word 真 is used as an adverb to describe the predicate adjective 好聽, which means good to hear. A的 tells whose songs -- namely, the ones that he sings 他唱的.

Note 2: The base patterns for the second phrase is 明天D的時候A請B再C where Cis what Awill ask B to do again tomorrow at time D. Once again, the temporal adverbs are listed before the subject in order of greater to lesser specificity.


My new watch says it is 4:50. Isn't it a little slow?

Note 1: Either the phrase 表是四時五十分 is idiomatic and the base pattern is A是B,是不是C, or the base pattern is more complex and the punctuation provided poor. Obviously a watch 表 is not the time it tells.

現在 (the present) is obviously a vague time that can be logically represented by the specific time 四時五十分. If this is the proper interpretation than a more proper base pattern would seem to be A,現在是B,是不是C了, where Ais the watch that has become C, and 現在 is the time which the watch indicates as 四時五十分. This latter interpretation is very Japanese in so far as 我的新表 serves as both a subject and introductory topic phrase for what follows.

Note 2: The construction 慢了 appears very standard and is of the form A了where Ais an adjective describing a condition that is now but was not before.

Note 3: 一點兒 probably is idiomatic for "a little bit". It follows the pattern 一A兒, as in the expressions 一塊兒 and 一會兒.


On my birthday he gave me a large clock, but it is not very handsome.

Note 1: The base pattern of the first phrase is C,A送給BDwhere C is the time at which Apresented D to B. As C is quite long and the construction 他我... grammatically somewhat awkward, setting the phrase 我生日的時候 apart with a comma is probably wise.

Note 2: The second base pattern is of the form (A)可是不B, where Bis a predicate adjective describing the understood subject 一個大鐘. Notice that the direct object of the first clause, becomes the understood subject of the second clause. This dual grammatical use of single nouns is quite common in Cantonese.


Each time I hear Mr. Goh singing, already I know that he has drunk alot.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is 每次AB,就C where B is something that A does, that results inC. In this case 我 hears Mr. Goh singing 聽見高先生唱歌, and as a result 我 knows 知道 that Mr. Goh has been drinking 他喝了很多酒. The subject 我 of the second phrase is understood.

Note 2: 每次 indicates each or every time. This is another case where a temporal adverb is placed in front of the subject as a means to introduce the sentence and probably place emphasis on the frequency of hearing by the speaker.

Note 3: 聽見 is a curious way to express the notion of hearing, as what one hears is always followed by what one sees. It may be that hearing differs from listening in so far as one looks to see after one has heard, but when listening one has already seen or at least knows the source of what one hears.

The pattern A聽見BC, where 聽見is an action taken by A with regard to Bdoing C, is quite common. In this case 我 hears 高先生 singing songs 唱歌.

Note 4: The verb phrase 喝了很多酒 is in the past tense indicating that the drinking comes before the singing. That the past tense marker comes after the verb but before the direct object shows that the verb phrase 喝酒 is separable.


I like riding on boats, but not in trains. Nevertheless, boats are very slow, and trains are faster.

Note 1: The base pattern is very simple A,可是B, where A is what 我 likes and does not like, and Bis the disadvantage and advantage of each respectively. In this case 我 likes to ride boats 坐 and does not like riding trains 坐火車, but boats are very slow 坐船很慢 and trains are faster 快些.