data collection index (data | graphs | tables) project index quality assessment
English or languish - Probing the ramifications
of Hong Kong's language policy

Quality Assessment
Section five
Hong Kong's Bottom Line
The Cost of English Language Study in Hong Kong

Click on diagram to see corresponding table

Graph 78 - Hong Kong's English Language Distillation and Certified Waste Disposal Plant.
table 43 | table 44 | table 45 | table 46 | tables 47a, 47b, and 47c | table 48 | table 49 | table 50 | table 51 | tables 52a, 52b, and 52c | data collection (graphs) quality assessment (hong kong's bottom line)
Hong Kong's English Language Distallation and Certified Waste Disposal Plant
Note 1: This diagram is proportional to the values found in table 43. The number of years spent at each level is vertically proportioned and the number of students enrolled at each level is horizontally proportioned. Only the vertical distance of the professorial flagpole is out of proportion. The flag is mere symbolic decoration. Thus, the shaded areas accurately reflect the expected waste as a proportion of the total number of students enrolled in the system.
Note  2: The width of the base year is equal to one in this diagram.The widths of all other grade levels are represented as a proportion of the base year. It was chosen because key stage two had the largest number of students enrolled. Its width corresponds to one third of the total number of students enrolled in primary forms IV through VI.
Note 3: The distance between the two sets of thick, vertical, parallel lines that appear on either side of the image represent the results of the HKCEE (outside) and HKALE (inside). Not everyone who met the minimum eligibility requirements for entry into form VI entered. Certainly, there were a large number of those who passed through forms VI and VII, who did not qualify for entry into a Hong Kong university. There are more first year university students (U1) than HKALE qualifiers, because not everyone listed as a first year university student entered directly from secondary form VII.
Data Source: See table 43