Japan's bubble and
post-bubble economies
Charts and graphs

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Table of Contents
 This data requires MSWord and EXCEL for proper viewing.
 Trade data
 Macroeconomic data
 US macroeconomic data
 Japan-US comparative data
 Variable definitions for selected Japanese data bases

 Japanese Trade Data

  1. Bank of Japan
  2. Bank of Japan and Office of the Prime Minister
  3. Food and Agricultural Organization
  4. Ministry of Finance
  5. World Trade Organization

table of contents

Japan's macroeconomic data


  1. Bank of Japan
  2. Bank of Japan and Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, and Posts and Telecommunications.
  3. Office of the Prime Minister
  4. Financial Supervisory Agency (Ministry of Finance)
  5. Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, and Posts and Telecommunication, Statistics Bureau and Statistics Center
  6. Moody's Rating Service (Source: by country bank ratings -- rating list)

table of contents

US macroeconomic data

  1. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis
  2. Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  3. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
    Federal Reserve Economic Database (FRED)

table of contents

Japan-US comparative data


  1. Bank of Japan and New York Stock Exchange
  2. World Bank

table of contents

English and Japanese variable definitions
and links for selected Japanese data bases
Useful to those working in non-Japanese operating systems with EXCEL spread sheets.


  1. Bank of Japan
  2. Office of the Prime Minister and Economic and Social Research Institute

table of contents