
目的全字聲母韻母聲調 句子 ︱文法b

Original: 他說:「你不願意做他的介紹人,他不會介意,只是你應該早點兒告訴他。」

He says that you do not wish to serve as his reference and that he understands. Simply you should have told him a little sooner.

Special Note: Before attempting an analysis it should be noted that the original sentence made no sense with the direct quotation marks. For this reason, the sentence will be handled as if it were indirect speech, and the quotation marks have been removed.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is 他說Awhere A is something said by 他 and related to the listener by the speaker.

In the absence of better context it is difficult to know the correct verb form for say. It could be either says or said depending on the nature of the speaker's involvement in the relationship between the listener and the person whose mind he is relating to the listener.

Note 2: The base pattern for the third party's thought expressed by the speaker is B,C,只是D where D is a qualifying remark about what precedes -- namely, B and C. As Band C hang together and can be treated separately from 只是D, they will be treated together in a separate note.

Note 3: The base pattern for B,C is given by B,E不會介意 where B is some fact or observation toward which E offers no objection, or alternatively, about which E is not concerned.

The observation is that the listener 你 does not wish 不願意 to serve 做 as the third party's 他的 referent 介紹人.

Note 4: The base pattern of the qualification given by 只是Dis 只是F應該G where G is something that the third party believes Fshould have at least performed in the past or should at least perform in the future. Once again, in the absence of better context it is difficult to know what the correct translation should be.

In either case, the third party would have liked or would like that the listener had informed or inform 告訴, respectively, the third party sooner 早點兒.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1674884

Siu Wong and Miss Mou are going to marry tomorrow. People say that Principal Bat is their matchmaker.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is given by A,聽說是B的 where Bis something that people are saying with regard to A -- an observation made by the speaker.

In this case it is said that Principal 校長 Bat 畢 introduced 介紹 Siu Wong 小王 and Miss 小姐 Mou 毛 to one another. Apparently this introduction has led to their marriage 結婚 scheduled to take place on the day after 明天 (tomorrow) the day that the statement is made.

Note 2: The construction 聽說是B的 is noteworthy insofar as 聽說 and B的 are treated as equivalent. Instead of a verb, the character pair 聽說 is treated as a noun-subject (gerund), and the phrase 是B的 as its predicate noun.

The base pattern of Part B is given by C介紹D們認識 where Cis someone who introduces D們 to one another.

Whatever meaning we ascribe to the phrase 認識, it must be the result of the introduction 介紹. In effect, Principal Bat's introduction 介紹 (verb) results in the acquaintance 認識 (verb) and eventual marriage 結婚 (verb) of Siu Wong and Miss Siu. It is for this reason that the word matchmaker has been used to replace the notions of introduction 介紹 and knowing one another 認識.

Note 3: The base pattern of the phrase 小王跟毛小姐明天結婚了 is straight forward. E跟FG明天了 where E and F are two people who will complete G tomorrow. In this case Siu Wong and Miss Siu will marry tomorrow.

The use of 了 in this case refers to an expected consumate act -- namely, the marriage of Siu Wong and Miss Siu.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1677076
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1677080

In the police station there are a large number of leather coats, bags, belts, and other stolen articles recovered from thieves.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A有B,(B)都是C的 where C is something of which all of Bis, and A is the place where Bcan be found.

B is the understood subject of the phrase 都是C的.

In this case, C is recovered 再找回 stolen 給賊人偷去 articles 東西, and Bincludes a variety of things made from leather including coats 皮大衣, bags 皮包, and belts 皮帶. The stolen articles are found in a police station 警察局.

Note 2: The phrase A有Bis of particular interest, because A is the place where B is located. Neither is B something that A owns, nor is B an inherent characteristic of A -- two of the more common uses of the verb have when A is treated as the subject of an English sentence. Moreover, the presence of the character 裡 after the word 警察局 has no effect on grammatical role that A plays in this sentence structure -- it remains the subject of the sentence.

Consider the following two sentences with identical meaning, but an important grammatical difference, by way of further clarification:

1) 警察局裡有我幾位朋友。
2) 我在警察局里有幾位朋友。

In the first sentence the phrase 警察局裡 (the inside of the police station) is treated as the subject of the sentence, and in the second it is the object of the prepositional phrase 在警察局裡. In both cases, the phrases tell the location of the speaker's 朋友 (friends).

Note 3: The base pattern of the sentence part expressed by the phrase(B)都是C的 is straightforward, as C的 is a headless relative clause 以前給賊人偷去再找回來 that refers back to the understood subject B as serves as the noun of the predicate noun phrase 都是C的.

The relative clause consists of two verb phrases consisting of a passive causative action given by 以前給賊人 and a subsequent action also passive in character 再找回來 but not necessarily causative.

The base pattern of the first verb phrase is of the form (B)給DE where E is something that B unwillingly allows D to do, and B suffers negative consequences as a result. In this case, the leather articles held in the police department "allow themselves" to be stolen 倫去 by thieves.

The articles are subsequently found/sought 再找 and returned to the police station 回來.

The adverb 以前 tells us that the recovered articles were previously stolen articles.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1680450
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1684954

After completing secondary school Siu Li worked for a travel agency where she came to know many different people through lively social interaction.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is given by A後,B,C,所以D, where Band C are two related actions that take place after A and result in D.

Note 2: This sentence consists of two subjects and four parts and is of particular interest as the subject of the fourth part is the same as that of the first and second parts, and the third subject and part intervene between the second and fourth parts. Were the grammatical integrity of the subject preserved and the sentence reconstructed it would appear as follows: 小李念完中學後,(小李)在旅行社做事,他的社交很忙,所以(小李)認識了不少各樣的人。In order to understand this syntax simply eliminate the Part C of the sentence and discover that the remaining parts make good sense.


Note 3: The problems posed by this sentence for the native English speaker do not stop with the intervening subject and clause, however. This is because the subject of the sentence's main clause appears in the subordinate clause and not in the main clause. Indeed, replace the clause 小李念完中學後 by its subject and eliminate the intervening subject and clause 他的社交很忙 results in a grammatically tight sentence given by 小李在旅行社做事,所認識了不少各樣的人。

Note 4: Another unusual aspect of this sentence is the phrase 念完中學 which means "complete one's secondary school studies. Obviously, one does not study his secondary school as the grammar suggests; rather, one completes his studies at secondary school. This suggests that 中學 is used as a metonym for secondary school studies in this context. A similar construction can be found in the phrase 讀完大學. Simply, the level of study is changed, and 念 and 中 are replaced with 讀 and 大.

Furthermore, the simple verbs 念 and 讀 can be used either transitively or intransitively to create new verbs. Consider, by way of illustration, the phrases 念書 (verb + object = study) and 讀書 (verb + object = study), as well as 念過 (verb + verb = attend school).

Note 5: The phrase 在旅行社 in Part B is a prepositional of the form 在E telling where Siu Li works 做.

Note 6: The phrase 做事 (verb + object = new verb) is very similar in construction to the compound verb 念書 (verb + object = new verb).

Note 7: This sentence is full of surprizes. Consider Part C whose base pattern is given by F很忙 where Fis not a person, but an activity -- namely, 社交 (social interaction). In effect, in Chinese both people and activities can be busy.

Note 8: Finally, sentence Part D offers little new. Its base pattern is of the form (G)認識了H where G is the understood subject 小李 and H is what G has come to know (finished by knowing) -- namely, 不少各樣的人.

The phrase 各樣的 is new and means "various kinds of" or more simply "different". It is used as an adjectival phrase describing people 人.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1686600

During the spring it often rains in Hong Kong. Although light, the rain necessitates the wearing of rain clothes and shoes. It is a nuisance.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,雖然B,但也要C,D, where D is the speaker's appraisal of some need described by C which is the direct result of some condition A qualified by B.

The speaker feels that it is a nuisance 很不方便 (very inconvenient) to have to wear 穿 (put on) rain clothes 雨衣 and rain shoes 雨鞋, as a result of the frequent 常常, but light 下得不大 spring 春天 rains 雨 in Hong Kong 香港.

Note 2: Part A is composed of two parts: an element of time 香港的春天 (springtime in Hong Kong) set off by a comma, and the main clause 常常下雨 (it rains frequently) whose subject in English is the understood, indefinite pronoun "it".

The phrase 下雨 (it rains) follows a more general base pattern given by 下E. For example, the English phrase "it snows" is expressed in Chinese as 下雪. The character 下 expresses the idea of something falling from the sky.

Note 3: The sentence part 雖然下得不大,但也要穿雨衣,雨鞋 can be expressed more generally as 雖然F,但(也)G, where G is some event or condition that exists despite some condition or event described by F.

The character 也 is optional and reinforces the notion that G does occur. In this case, not only does G occur, but it is necessitated 要 by F.

The phrase 下得不大 follows the more general pattern given by "verb + 得 + adjective" where the phrase 得不大 is used as an adverbial modifier of the verb 下. (See Special Topics under 的, 地(咁), ).

Note 4: The verb phrase 要穿雨衣,雨鞋 is constructed very similarly to the phrase 下雨 insofar as the English indefinite pronoun is understood.

Alternatively, the understood pronoun could be the definite pronoun "you" (US English) or the indefinite pronoun "one" (UKEnglish). Leaving out the indefinite pronoun is a very common phenomenon in language. It can be found in both Japanese and Spanish, as well as other languages.

Note 5: It probably does not hurt to point out still once again that the phrasing 很不方便 translates as "very inconvenient" -- not "very not convenient".

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1693106

During the summer I received a letter saying that he would return in the fall. Now it is winter, and I have yet to see him.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A的時候,B,現在是C了,還D where A and C are two separate periods of time, and where B and D are two events. The first period of time is in the past, and the second period of time is in the present. The first event has occurred, and the second event has yet to occur, although the second period has arrived.

In this case, the speaker 我 received 接到 a letter 一封信 from a third party 他 saying 說 that he would return 會回來 in the fall 秋天, but now 現在 it is 是 winter 冬天 and the speaker has yet to see him 還不見他.

Note 2: The first time period is given by the phrase 夏天的時候 and is of the form E的時候 that we have seen many times before. It means during or at time E.

The second time period is given by 現在是冬天了. It is a simple predicate noun construction with the sentence suffix 了 indicating that second time period has already arrived.

Note 3: The base pattern of the first event is given by F接到G說H where G is some communication received by F whose contents is H.

In this case, the speaker 我 received a letter from the third party 他一封信. The character 封 is the counter for letters, and the adjectival postposition 的 between 他 and 一封信 is understood.

The message itself is given by 秋天會回來 which is a simple verb phrase whose understood subject is 他. The character 會 indicates the likelihood of the future action 回來.

The verb 回來 is worth contrasting with its directional semi-opposite 返回. The word 回來 is a special case of 返回. Specifically, whereas 回來 can only be used from the perspective of someone expecting someone else's return (come back), 返回 can be used from either the perspective of the person expecting the return of that of the person who returns (come back or go back).

Note 4: The second event is given by 還不見他 which follows the general patten 還不J where J is some event that has yet to occur.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1695720

7)住在飛機場對面的人,常常會看到飛機降落跟起飛的情形。 People living opposite the airport can regularly observe the take-off and landing conditions of planes.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,會看到B where B is something that A is able to see.

The comma between the subject of the sentence A and the verb phrase 會看到B can be explained by the length of the subject. In effect, the phrase 住在飛機場對面的人 serves in a manner very similar to the introductory phrases of Japanese sentences of the type, Aは、B。

Note 2: The pattern of the introductory phrase is that of a noun modified by a headless relative clause. The noun is of course 人, and the headless relative clause is 住在飛機場對面的.

The structure of the headless relative clause is(人)住在B對面 where 在B對面 tells where the people 人 (person) live 住. In this context, the character 人 refers to a special category of people, rather than a single person.

The phrase 對面 (opposite side) provides further detail with regard to the place given by the prepositional phrase 在飛機. As is true for both the Chinese and Japanese languages, one begins large and ends small when speaking of time and place. Thus, we read first about the airport and then the side of the airport on which one lives.

The idea of "opposite" the airport is, of course, unclear to anyone unfamiliar with the exact location of the speaker. Clearly it means more than "near", as one could live near the airport and never be able to see the runways. Thus, it appears to bear the meaning of "facing" in such a way that one can clearly observe what happens.

Note 3: In this sentence the character 會 does not refer to the future, rather it expresses the ability of people to observe B at any time 常常. The idea of 常常 in this context is not one of chance; rather it expresses the possibility of continued observation, even though one does not always observe. Thus, it has been rendered as "can regularly observe".

Note 4: So, what does one observe?

The phrase 飛機降落跟起飛的情形 follows a standard pattern -- namely, that of a modified noun. Of interest are the conditions or circumstances 情形 present when planes 飛機 are taking off 起飛 and landing 降落. The base pattern is, of course, D的Cwhere D的 is the adjectival phrase or relative clause 飛機降落跟起飛的 and the noun is 情形.

Whether the modifying phrase is a headless relative clause or a pair of modified nouns is unclear and in the end makes little difference.

If they are a pair of modified nouns, then the omission of 的 between the words 飛機 and 降落 and between 飛機 and 起飛 is noteworthy. Unlike the Japanese language, Chinese tends to use the adjectival conjunction 的 (Japanese の)only once in the same phrase.

If they are a pair of verb phrases sharing the same subject, then the subject of the headless relative clause is 飛機 and the verb pair is 降落 and 起飛 connected by the conjunction 跟 (and).

It is difficult to understand why the author places 降落(landing) before 起飛(taking off). Perhaps the author is partial towards landings, because the risk of a crash and subsequent possible excitement is higher. Without more context this partiality is logically awkward and is thus ignored in the translation.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1696938


Some people claim the setting sun is more beautiful than the rising sun. Others claim just the opposite. What do you think?


