
目 的︱全字︱聲母韻母聲調 句子 ︱文法a

香港的山路很容易走,所以天氣好的 時候,我喜歡去山頂玩。

Hong Kong's mountain paths are easy to walk. So, when the weather is good, I enjoy going to the summit.

Note 1:  The base pattern for the above sentence is A,所以B. Because of the complexity of Bit is probably better to render it as two sentences.

Note 2: The base pattern for the first clause is A很容易B, where B is something that can easily be done to A. In this instance A are mountain paths -- namely, 香港的山路. The activity which is performed is walking.

Note 3: The base pattern for the second clause is B的時候,A喜歡去CD, where Bis a time, when Agoes to C and performs D. In this case A is the speaker who likes to go to a mountain top when the weather is fine. What he does after arriving is not entirely clear, however.  玩 is a vague term that  applies to people of all ages and is interpreted differently for each. When applied to children it means play. When applied to adults it means enjoy, With regard to youth it can mean mess around.

他知道廣東話不易學,可是在香港說廣東話的人那麼多,所以他還是要學。 He knows that Cantonese is not an easy language to learn, but still he wants to learn it, because there are so many in Hong Kong who speak it.

Note 1: The base pattern is A,可是B,所以C。It is not a pattern that translates well into English without substantial modification. This construction is not uncommon in Japanese, however.

Note 2: The base pattern for the first clause is A知道B, where B is something about which A is knowledgeable -- namely, 廣東話不易學. The structure of this latter phrase takes the form C不易D.  It resembles the phrase 香港的山路很容易走, in so far as Cantonese is the accusative object of the verb study, but placed before the verb as a passively acted upon subject. Just as 很容易 is an adverb that describes 走, so too is 不易 an adverb that describes 學.

Note 3: The base pattern of the second phrase is A的人那麼B where A的人 are people in Hong Kong who speak Cantonese, and who are so numerous.

Note 4: The base pattern of the final clause is A還是B, where B is an activity in which A continues to engage -- namely, wanting to study Cantonese.
別跑得那麼快,火車還有半小時才開呢! Do not walk so fast. The train will not depart for another half an hour!

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is 別A,B呢!where A is something that the listener should not do, because of conditionB. The sentence ending 呢 indicates a request or command on the part of the speaker.

Note 2: The base pattern of the first phrase is 別A得B, where Ais the verb跑 modified by the adjective 那麼快. For further information with regard to the construction A得B, please see .

Note 3: The base pattern for the second phrase is A還有B才C, where Bis the time remaining before A does C. In this case there a half an hour 半小時 before the train 火車 departs 開.
我打算在日本玩夠了才去別的國家玩。 I plan to (enjoy/travel around/mess around) in Japan as much as I can before going to the next country where I will do the same.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence appears to be A打算B, where B is something that A plans to do 打算.

Note 2: The base pattern forA's plan is given as B玩夠了才C, where Bis something that A intends to have his fill of before engaging in C-- in this case, messing around in Japan 在日本玩 before moving on to another country 去別國家 and doing the same 玩.

Note 3: Once again, how one translates the word 玩 will largely depend on the age of the speaker.
錢太太的女兒今年才十歲,可是她能夠做大人做的事。 Mrs Chin's daughter will be only ten this year, but she knows many adult things to do.
每個禮拜六都有很多人到香港跑馬地去看跑馬。 Every Saturday a lot of people go to Happy Valley to watch the race horses.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is 每BC都有AD, where D is something that A does every C. Ais not well described. In this case it refers to a lot of people 很多人.

The counter 個 is required after 每 to describe 禮拜六 in the phrase 每BC. The word 都 used in conjunction with the verb 有 emphasizing that each Saturday is the same with regard to the activity in which A engages on a regular basis -- namely, 到香港跑馬地去看跑馬.

Note 2: The base pattern of the activity D is 到E去FG where E is the place to where A goes in order to engage in FG. In this case E is 香港跑馬地 and the activity FG is 看跑馬.
她穿的禮服真美,是誰送給她的? 是我去年送給她的生日禮物。 The dress she is wearing is really beautiful. Who gave it to her?
It is my birthday present to her from last year.

Note 1: The question can be divided into two parts: the question and the comment which evokes the question. The base pattern for the question is AB, where A is the dress which 她 is wearing, and B is how the dress looks to the speaker. B is a predicate adjective that describes A.

The question is of the form (A)是誰送給她的(A), where Ais an understood predicate noun described by the relative clause 誰送給她的 which refers back to the subject of the comment. In other words "it is the dress that someone (whom I would like to identify) gave her".

As the word 禮服 can refer to special for either men or women, and the person wearing the dress is a woman, I have rendered it here to mean dress. The word gown might also be appropriate.

真 is apparently used as an adverb in the sense of truly, really, very, etc. Thus, I have rendered 真美 as really beautiful.

Note 2: The response to the question resembles the question, in so far as it assumes the same base pattern(A)是B. The absence of change in word order between question and response appears to be quite common in Chinese.
Once again, A is the understood subject of the comment to the original question, and Bis a predicate noun to A that answers the speakers question. The phrase 我去年送給她的 is a relative clause that describes the predicate noun 生日禮物.

禮物 is a present. So, 生日禮物 must be a birthday present.

Note 3: The expression 送給 apparently expresses the idea of giving a present to someone.
那位教中文的先生,每個禮拜都很忙,不知道他忙甚麼。 1) That Chinese teacher is very busy every week, but no one knows busy doing what.
2) That Chinese teacher is very busy every week, but I do not know busy doing what.

Note 1: The base pattern of the sentence is A很忙,(我)不知道A忙甚麼 where  A is a person who is very busy doing something that no one knows.

In this case 甚麼 is used as a question word in what can be described as  an indirect question. Alone the phrase 他忙甚麼? means "What is he busy doing?" or "What is he doing that keeps him so busy?"

Note 2: 那位教中文的先生 is of the form 那位Awhere Ais someone to whom one refers with respect -- in this a Chinese teacher. Simply the person counter 個 has been with the more formal person counter 位.

Note 3: In the second clause the 個 counter is used with 每 to describe 禮拜. It means each week. When used  in combination with 都 in the verb phrase 都很忙 it has the meaning of every.

Note 4: The phrase 不知道他忙甚麼 is a clause without an apparent subject. Because the person who does not know 不知道 refers to the person 他 who is very busy 很忙 in a non-reflexive manner, the person who does not know must be someone other than the subject of the first clause. It could be either the speaker of someone in general.
這個小孩子很聽話,別人給他東西,他都說謝謝。 This child is well-behaved.  When someone gives it something, the child always says thank you.

Note 1: The base pattern of the first clause is 這個A很聽話, where A is someone who is well-behaved. Although the word 聽話 is often used to mean obedient, the word "well-behaved" appears to be a more appropriate translation in this context. The idea appears to be that one listens before one speaks.

Note 2: The base pattern for the second part of the sentence is given by 別人給AB,A都說C, where C is something that A says when given B.

Note 3: 別人 can be any third party.

Note 4: 東西 can be any thing.

Note 5: 小孩子 apparently means a small child.
不要因為中文字難寫,你就不學,你要多寫,就會寫得好多。 Don't ask why Chinese characters are so difficult to write, or you will never learn. Just write more, and soon you will be able to write very many.

Note 1: The base pattern of the first sentence part is 不要因為A,你就不B, where A is something that the listener is told not to question, if he wants to do B.  In this case A is the difficulty of writing Chinese characters 中文難寫, and Bis learning to write them -- namely, 學(寫中文).  In summary,  "Don't question A, or B will not occur".

Note 2: The base pattern of the second part of the sentence is 你要C,就會D, where Cis something that the listener should, should want to, or must do in order to achieve D. In this case C is writing more 多寫, and Dis 寫得好多。

Note 3: It has been suggested and confirmed that the phrasing 就會寫得好多 is probably in error, as it deviates from other more accepted patterns.1 Consider for example the phrases: 就會寫得好很多 and 就會寫得好多(字). The first phrase is of the pattern 就會A得B很多, and the second phrase is of the pattern 就會A好多C. These are grammatically correct and commonly acceptable patterns. See special topics under 的•地•.
1 This observation was contributed by HymnLau, a most thoughtful participant on the ProZ.com, Chinese-English language pair, bulletin board.