
目的全字聲母韻母聲調 句子 ︱文法b

I have never paid attention to the direction of the library, I only know that there is a large hall in front of it.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A向來沒有留意B,只知道Cwhere C is something that Aknows, and Bis something to which Ahas never paid attention, and therefore does not know.

Note 2: That to which Ahas never paid attention 向來沒有留意 is the direction of the library 圖書館的方向. In the absence of better context, one must assume that the speaker has always depended on landmarks to find the library and therefore has no sense of direction with regard to its location.

Note 3: The base pattern of what Aapparently does know is D前面有Ewhere Eis something that is located in front of D. In this case, it is the presence of a large hall 一個大禮堂 in front of the library 圖書館前面.

The character 它 is the Chinese pronoun corresponding to things and refers in this instance to the library.

Note 4: One can only wonder why the counter for 大禮堂 (great/large hall) is 個 rather than 間 which is the usual counter for buildings. Then too, is it not the case that the counter 個 is used whenever one is not sure which counter is the correct one? Perhaps this is the case here.

Note 5: The phrase 向來 apparently means something similar to heretofore in English -- the direction from which one has come in time, rather than a geographical orientation.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1400734


The shoe store opposite my house has both new and old style shoes. Some of them are expensive and some not.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A,B有,C有些D有些Ewhere Ais someone or something that has B, and Cis something of which some areDand some are E.

In this case, it is a shoe store 鞋鋪 opposite the speaker's house 我家對面 in which one can find both new- and old-style shoes 新式舊式的鞋都有, some of which 有些 are expensive 貴 and some of which 有些 are not 不貴.

The comma between the subject of the first part of the sentence and the verb that follows can be explained in either of two ways: one, the noun phrase that contains the subject is long (See Special Topics); and two, the direct object of the verb 有 has been placed before the verb with neither prepositional modification, nor change in voice.

Note 2: The phrase 我家對面的 is an adjective phrase describing the shoe store 鞋鋪. The construction F鋪 is a common way of designating a shop that specializes in some type of merchandiseF.

Note 3: The adjective phrase 新式舊式的 appears to be a fixed pattern that may or may not be derived from a more generic base pattern.

The character 式 might very well be an abbreviation for the word 款式 which means design or pattern.

Note 4: The adverb 都 in this context appears to mean both and refers to the shoes in the store that are both new and old in style.

Note 5: The second clause 價錢有些貴有些不貴 although easily understood is worth noting.

In English one would be more inclined to write "some of the shoes are expensive and some are not" or "some are highly priced and some are not", but always in reference to the merchandize itself -- namely, the shoes, not their price. Moreover, if one were referring directly to the price of the shoes, one would write "some of the prices are high and some [are] low".

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1401331


He said, "The tuition of private US universities is higher than that of public ones". I said, "It is the same the world over".

Note 1: The base pattern of this dialogue is given by A說:「B。」C說:「D。」where Band D are what A and B say, respectively. As these appear to be statements from a dialogue that has already transpired, the introductory phrases A說 and B說 have been rendered in the past tense.

Note 2: The base pattern for A's statement is given by E比FG where EandFare two things that A compares against some standard G. What is compared are the tuition fees 學費 at private 私立 and public 公立 universities 大學. The benchmark for comparison is their relative expensiveness given by the adjective 貴 (expensive).

Note 3: Notice that 美國私立大學 appears as one word ending in 的 and that the phrase 美國私立大學的 is used as an adjectival phrase to describe 學費.

This construction differs from the way in which a Japanese would likely view 美國 and 私立 -- namely, as adjectival modifiers of 大學.

Note 4: The phrase 公立的 implies, of course, the phrase 公立的(學費)where 學費 is understood and not stated.

Note 5: The base pattern of C's statement is given by H都是這樣 which means that His the same as that which was previously stated -- namely, 這樣. In this case, H are the tuition fees of public universities

This construction appears to be formal insofar as the character 是 is probably not necessary in informal speech. How one explains this inconsistency depends on how one interprets grammatically the phrase 這樣 -- as a predicate adjective describing Hor as a predicate noun telling what H in fact is.

Note 6: The phrase 全世界 follows the simple base pattern 全K, where the character 全 refers to all of what Kis -- namely, the whole world.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1402431

4)樓上那個人月底要走了,他在 那裏住了三年,我連他的名字也不知道!

The person living above me must leave at the end of the month. He has lived there for three years, and I do not even know his name.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is given by B,C,A連D也不知道!where Band Care two facts, and D is something that A, given his knowledge of Band C, should probably know, but does not.

Note 2: The base pattern of Bis EG要F了 where Fis something that Ewill have to complete at some timeGin the future.

In this case, Eis the person living upstairs 樓上那個人 who must vacate 要走了 his dwelling at the end of the month 月底.

Note 3: The base pattern of Cis given by EJ了Kwhere Jis something that Ehas done for some length of time K.

In this case, 他 (the same person who must vacate his dwelling at the end of the month) has been living in his current residence 在那裏住了for the past three years 三年.

The phrase 在那裏 is of the form 在Pwhere Pis some physical location.

Note 4: This sentence is particularly interesting because it combines verb tense indicating the future 月底要走了, the past 住了三年, and present 不知道, respectively. In the first sentence part the 了 suggests an action that must be completed in the future. In the second sentence 了 indicates something that has already passed. Only the adverb of each clause and the probable meaning derived from the situation described by the sentence enable us to distinguish between the two uses of 了.

Note 5: The phrase 樓上 is of the form L上 where Lindicates some reference point above which something else is located. In this case, the reference point is a floor of a building. The opposite direction would be indicated, of course, by L下.

As the sentence is written by a Hong Konger, and the vast majority of Hong Kongers live in apartment high-rises, is it not likely that 樓上 refers to the apartment just above the apartment of the person who does not know the occupant's name of the person living higher up in the building?

Note 6: The phrase 那裏 necessarily refers to the upstairs apartment, as no other location was indicate previously in the sentence.

Note 7: The use of 也 in the third part of this sentence is very similar to that of 都. Whereas some are inclined to think that they are mutually substitutable, others are not.

Most apparently agree that one can write either


and no change of meaning occurs.

Important to note is that 連 in this context must occur with either 也不M or 都不M in order to express the idea of "not even".

This same pattern A連D也不N is likely useful in other contexts as well, where Dis the direct object of some negated verb N.

Note 8: Finally, note the meaning of the following three word patterns indicating times of the month.

月初 beginning of the month
月中 or 本月中旬 middle of the month
月底 end of the month

If these terms correspond to their Japanese counterparts 上旬, 中旬, and 下旬, then they refer approximately to the first, second, and third 10 days of each month.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1404322
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1404328
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1404334


Next year my son wants to study medicine, but does not know which would be better (for him to study) -- opthamology or surgery.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A,但B where Bqualifies the condition set forth in A.

Note 2: The base pattern of Part Ais CD要Ewhere Eis something Cintends to do at some point Din the future.

In this case, the speaker expresses his son's 我的兒子 intention 要 to study medicine 讀醫科 next year 明年.

Note 3: The base pattern of Part B is 不知道FG還是H好, where FG and FH are two possible course of action about which the subject of the sentence has yet to decide.

In particular, the speaker's son 我的兒子 does not know 不知道 which would be better 好 to study opthamology 讀眼科 or 還是 study surgery 讀外科.

Note 4: The phrase 我的兒子 literally means "son of mine". It can also be expressed as 我兒子 depending on its grammatical environment. The base patterns for these two expressions ar

The phrasing KJis commonly used when the noun modified by the personal pronoun is further modified in post position by a predicate adjective. The modified noun does not have to be a person, it can also be an idea or thing. In evidence, it can be anything with which the noun and the person described by the personal pronoun share an intimiate relationship.

The phrase K的 also appears to be more formal than KJ and should probably be reserved for written expression.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1406454
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1406456
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1406460
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1407759


He is really selfish. He has never shown an interest in world affairs, and is indifferent to what goes on in the world about him.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A,從B、C where Band Care conditions of the past that compel the speaker to reach some conclusion A about the present.

Note 2: The word 從 is an abbreviation for the phrases 從來 and 從來都. These phrases express some condition, feeling, state, activity, or attitude that has always been. To the extent that these latter can be expected to continue into the future, 從 can be translated as "always". Thus, when followed by a negated verb, 從 means "has never been", or when the condition, feeling, state, activity, or attitude can be expected to persist -- simply "never".

Note 3: The base pattern of Part Ais simply that of a modifed noun-subject followed by a predicate adjective. The modified noun-subject in our example is, of course, 他這個人, and the predicate adjective is 很自私.

The phrasing 他這個人 is worth noting as it juxtaposes the noun phrase 這個人 with the referent pronoun 他. This construction has the form of a redundant appositive. Rather than providing additional information about the noun, the noun is emphasized and thus singled out as special. In this case the person 他 is singled out for being very selfish 很自私.

Note 4: The base pattern of part Bis simply that of an understood subject (他這個人), a negated verb 不關心, and its direct object 世界的事.

Note 5: The verb 關心 means to care about, show concern for, or take an interest in. 世界的事 has been rendered as world affairs -- in effect, matters of the world.

Note 6: The base pattern of part Cis D覺得E跟F沒有關係 where Eand Fare two things that Dfeels have no relationship with one another. In this instance Eis understood to be the selfish person and has been omitted. The absence of a perceived relationship between the subject of the sentence and the world about him has been rendered as indifference.

A grammatically more correct rendering of the Chinese in Chinese might be 他覺得自己跟這個世界沒有關係。

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1409244
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1409246


Last year I deposited some money in the bank. Together with interest there are now about 500 dollars.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A去年B了C,現在D了where Dis what has become of Cafter A's having performed B.

Note 2: The base pattern of 我去年存了一些錢在銀行 has already been given as A去年B了C where Ais the speaker 我, and Bis some quantity of money 一些錢 that the speaker has placed on deposit 存了 in a bank 在銀行. Apparently, 存 can function as a transitive verb .

Noteworthy is the placement of the prepositional phrase 在銀行 after the direct object 一些錢. We have now observed that modifiers of place can be placed both before and after the verb phrase they modify.

Note 3: The second part of this sentence is made of several elements including a prepositional phrase 連同利息, two adverbial modifiers 現在 and 差不多, and the verb phrase 有五百塊錢了.

The prepositional phrase 連同利息 is apparently of the form 連同Eand means "together with E".

The adverbial modifiers 現在 and 差不多 are not new. The former means "now", and the latter means "about", "approximately" or "close to".

The verb phrase 有五百塊錢了 is apparently of the form 有F了 and indicates the amount of something that has grown over time.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1411135
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1411139


That reporter was my classmate in the 6th grade, and his fondness for talking is just as great today as it was then.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,以前B,現在還是Cwhere A introduces a comparison between something that was once 以前Band is still the same today 現在還是一樣. In this case, it is a reporter 記者 whose fondness for talking 很喜歡說話 has not changed 還是一樣 since he was in the 6th grade 六年級時.

Note 2: The base pattern of the introduction is that of a modified noun-subject and a predicate nominative -- namely, D是E.

Apparently, the speaker is providing information to the listener about a certain reporter 那個記者 whom they both recognize 那個 and who was 是 the speaker's classmate 同學 when the speaker was in the 6th grade 我六年級時.

It is from the adverbial and adjectival context that we learn that a comparison is being drawn between what the reporter was 是 before 以前 and is 是 today 現在.

Note 3: The base pattern of part B is that of a simple unmodified pronoun-subject 他 followed by a simple verb phrase 很喜歡說話 (likes to talk very much). The sentence part 以前他很喜歡說話 can be rendered as "he used to be very fond of talking" or "he used to enjoy talking".

Note 4: The base pattern of part Cis that of an understood pronoun-subject "he" and the predicate noun phrase 是一樣. Thus, the phrase 現在還是一樣 can be translated as "he is the same today".

Note 5: Apparently 六年級 is a standard expression and of the form A年級 indicating the Ath year of schooling.

Note 6: The post-postional particle 時 behaves in Chinese very similarly to the way it behaves in Japanese. In the phrase F時 it indicates the time during which some other event occurs -- namely, at or during time F.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1411361


The accents of the northern and southern parts of the United States are slightly different. Can you tell them apart?

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence isA跟B的C不同,你分得出嗎?where Cis a characteristic of Aand Bthat is not the same for both. The speaker wants to know, if the listener can say how they are different.

Note 2: A and B are the northern part 北部 and southern part 南部 of the United States 美國, respectively. That which is different is the accents 口音 of each part. According to the speaker this difference is only slight 有點不同.

Note 3: The phrase 你分得出嗎?is apparently an abbreviated form of the phrase 你分得出來嗎?This question format appears common and can be summarized by the following base patterns 你D得出來嗎? and 你D得出來嗎?where Dis an action that yields some result expressed by the phrases 得出來 and 得出.

Other examples of this pattern are given below:

i) 你算得出來嗎?/ 你算得出嗎?
"Can you solve this problem?"
ii) 你看得出來嗎?/ 你看得出嗎?
"Can you make this out?"

A similar question format can also be observed in the following examples?

i) 我拿得了嗎?
Do you expect me to carry this?
ii) 你穿得了嗎?
Would it even fit you?

A still further use of this question format is given by the following:

i) 你還吃得下嗎?
Would you like more to eat?

Note 4:

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1413123


All of what he says makes good sense. Perhaps it is because he is a psychologist.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,可能因為Bwhere Bis offered as a possible explanation for some observation A made by the speaker.

In brief, what is said 說的話 by some individual referred to as 他 makes a lot of sense 很有道理. The reason for it making sense is probably 可能 given by the fact that 因為 the individual 他 is a psychologist 心理學家.

Note 2: The base pattern of the speaker's observation is given by C都Dwhere 都Dserves as a predicate adjective modifingC. The adverb 都 appears to emphasize that all of Dapplies to C -- not just some part.

Note 3: The base pattern of the speaker's explanation is that of a pronoun-subject and its predicate noun -- namely, E是Fwhere Eis the same pronoun-subject 他 of part Aand Fis 心理學家.

Note 4: Notice that 說 and 話 are a verb and noun, respectively.

Note 5: 有道理 is still another example of the pattern 有Gused as an adjectival modifier -- in this case, as a predicate adjective modifying what was said 說的話 by the pronoun-subject 他.

Note 6: The word 可能 is an adverb indicating the possibility of occurence. The degree to which one can assign a probability to it is unclear.

Note 7: The word phrase 心理學家 follows a very common pattern used to describe scientific scholars and is of the more general form H學家 where H學 indicates the scientist's field of study and research. For example, an economist is called a 經濟學家 and a 社會學家 is a sociologist.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1414588