
目的全字聲母韻母聲調 句子 ︱文法a

Excuse me, Sir. When can we borrow books? Is it not between 10:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M?

Note 1: The base pattern of this question is A,請問B是不是C? It is an inquiry during which the speaker seeks confirmation with regard to his belief that Bis C. He addresses the listener as A.

In particular the speaker wants to know, if the time 時間 to borrow 借 books 書 is not 是不是 between 10:00 A.M. 上午十時 and 4:30 P.M. 下午四時三十分.

Note 2: The phrase 是不是 introduces doubt with regard to the speaker's belief about the time for borrowing. This doubt is rendered in English by the word "not" in the speaker's question.

Note 3: The method of address (Part A) is 先生 -- a vocative that can be used to address any adult male and in some cases adult females of title, such as a woman professor.

For further discussion on the proper address of women in this context, please see the source-link provided below.

Note 4: The phrase 請問 is a polite way to introduce a query.

Note 5: Though translated as "between 10:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M" the phrase 「從上午十時到下午四時三十分」, a more literal rendering would be "from 10:00 A.M. until 4:30 P.M". The base pattern of this phrase is 從D到E where Dand Eare beginning and ending times of a designated period.

Note 6: When telling time, it is common to split the day into two parts: 上午 (A.M.) and 下午 (P.M.). The time is further divided into hours G時 and minutes H分. Notice that the way of telling and counting time are not the same. Also, in Hong Kong the hour of the day is typically expressed as 點, rather than 時, in spoken Cantonese. Even in writing the character 點 often appears.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1453708


That merchant owns 12 large stores and is very famous in the local business community.

Note 1: The base pattern to this sentence is A有B,A是Cwhere Bis something that Ahas, and Cis something that Ais considered to be by the speaker as a result.

In this case the person in question is a business person (merchant) 商人 who owns 有 (has) twelve 十二間 large stores 大鋪子. He is believed by the speaker to be well known 有名 within the local business community 這裡商界 (this business community).

Note 2: The phrase 那個商人 refers to a business person (merchant) who is unlikely present in the immediate vicinity of the speaker and the listener, and about whom some reference during the discussion has already or just been made.

The term 商人 can apparently indicate any person who makes his living doing business. Alternatively, it can indicate someone who makes his living only through the sale and purchase of goods -- namely, a merchant.

Note 3: The term 鋪子 is not new and refers to a store or shop. The counter for 鋪子 is apparently the same as that for building -- namely, 間. Thus, one can say 十二間鋪子(twelve large stores).

Note 4: The phrase 這裡商界 can be divided into two parts 這裡 and 商界. 這裡 apparently means the same as 這兒 -- namely, here or this. The phrase 商界 can mean either business community or world of commerce. The combination of these two phrases into a single thought translates best as local community. Is it not likely that 這裡商界 is an abbreviated form of the phrase 這裡的商界 -- i.e., the world of business that is here.

The entire phrase serves as an adverb telling where the merchant is famous.

Note 5: The expression 有名的人 means a famous person. The expression 有名的 is of the general form 有D的 where Dis a noun that is transformed into an adjective by the expression 有D的.

The word 很 modifies the adjectival expression 有名的 just as it modifies any other single word modifier.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1455370
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1457142


After drinking a large amount he is still able to perform his work, so who is to say that he cannot hold his own?

Note 1: The base pattern to this sentence is B以後,A還可以C,誰說D不好?where Cis something that Ais still able to do after performing B, and Dis something that people might wrongly criticize Aabout as result of Band C.

In this case, some male person 他 is able 可以 to perform his work 做事 in the usual manner 照常 after 以後 having drunk 喝了 a large amount of 大量的 alcohol 酒. Having noted this fact, the speaker asks who 誰 could say 說 that the person's 他的 capacity to hold alcholol 酒量 is not good 不好?

Note 2: As the subject in the sentence part B以後 is understood to be A, this sentence part is easily translated into a prepositional phrase with a gerund object that describes when Aperforms C -- namely, after performing B.

Note 3: In the sentence part A還可以Cthe verb 可以 apparently refers to the ability of Ato perform C -- not his having received permission to do so.

Note 4: The base pattern for the question is, of course, 誰說A不好?where Ais something with which someone might disagree, and 誰 asks the question "Who?". The speaker apparently believes that Ais true and challenges anyone to disagree.

Note 5: The term 酒量 means one's capacity to drink (hold alcohol without becoming drunk), not how much one has drunk.

Note 6: The word 照常 means "as usual".

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1455476
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1455480


I told him, "You promised to lend me ten yuan. Can you give it to me now". He did not reply and left.

Note 1: The base patterns for these two sentences can be given by A說「C,好嗎?」and B沒有D就E了 where Cis a request posed by the speaker, and B沒有D就E了 is the result of that request. Here, Aexpects Bto perform D, but Bdoes not; rather he performs E.

Note 2: The base pattern of the request is given by B答應F,現在G,好嗎? where Fis a promise made by Bthat the speaker would like to see kept -- namely, G.

In effect, the speaker 我 claims 說 that Bpromised 答應 to lend 錯 10 yuan 十塊錢 to the speaker 給我. The speaker would like that B pay 給 him 我 now 現在.

Notice that the past tense is indicated conceptually, rather than grammatically. It is the promise of a future action whose future has become the present.

Note 3: The base pattern of the reaction of the listener to the related event is given byB沒有D就E了 where Dis an action that the speaker would have liked Bto take, but did not. Eis the action that Bdoes take instead. In effect, rather than answering 回答 the person who promised the money, 他 simply 就 leaves 走了.

The pattern 沒有Dis the negative past of Dand is not new. The pattern E了 is also well known by now and indicates a final result.

Note 4: The counter for the Chinese yuan is 塊. Although very different in value this is the conceptual equivalent of a US dollar, a German D-Mark, a Japenese Yen, or a French Franc.

In contrast, the currency denominator for the Hong Kong dollar is either 元 (written) or 蚊 (spoken). Moreover, it is very unusual for a Hong Konger to say 十蚊錢; rather, he says more simply 十蚊.

In effect, the phrase 十塊錢 clearly refers to the Chinese yuan.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1457114


He asked, "In the event that these bills are counterfeit will you exchange them?" The clerk at the exchange counter replied, "Yes, we will exchange them."

Note 1: The base pattern for this dialogue is A問:「C?」B說:「D。」where Cis a question asked by A and D is B's response.

Note 2: Consider first the question posed by A. The base pattern for this sentence is 萬一E是F,是不是G?, where 萬一E是Fposes a condition that the speaker believes could affect the outcome of G.

In this case the asker 他 wants to know 問 (asks) whether 是不是 the listener will exchange 包換 the speaker's US dollars 這些美金 in the event that 萬一 they are 是 counterfeit(counterfeited currency 假的美金).

Note 3: The 些 in the phrase 這些美金 appears to function as a diminutive thus indicating a likely attempt on the part of the asker to make the risk of the proposed exchange to appear small and encourage the money changer to undertake the transaction -- even if the bills are counterfeit! This seductive speech suggests knowledge on the part of the asker with regard to the rules of exchange.

I have rendered the phrase 這些美金 as "these bills", as the phrase "these few US dollars", although grammatically correct, is highly unusual, even in the context of such an unusual question.

Also, because both people are likely together at a counter with the bills visible in front of them, it is unnecessary to name the currency that the asker would like to trade.

Note 4: The construction E是Fis that of a subject and a predicate noun whose nominal referent 美金 is unsaid, but understood. In effect, this sentence part could be written as 這些美金是假的美金 where 假的 is an adjectival phrase describing 美金.

Accordingly, 假的 is a nominalized adjectival phrase that serves as the predicate noun in the phrase 是假的〔美金〕.

Note 5: The construction 是不是 in the phrase 是不是包換 expresses doubt on the part of the asker about what is possible with regard to his own request.

Note 6: The base pattern of the money exchanger's response is 是的,G indicating that the respondent is willing to entertain the asker's request to exchange 包換 the money . Either the money exchanger is indifferent with regard to whether the money is counterfeit; or he has examined the bills, finds them to be genuine, and disregards the speaker's question.

The phrase 是的 is apparently an accepted way of saying, "Yes". I have no ready explanation for the use of the word 的 in this context.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1458538

16)這個照相館的照相機很新,照的相也很好,價錢也不太貴,真好!The cameras at this photo shop are very new, and the photographs are very good. The prices are also reasonable . It's really great.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is given by A,也B,也C,真好!where A, B, and Care a series of positive statements about a shop where one can purchase cameras and get one's picture taken. These statements are then summarized by the speaker's exclamation 真好!(literally "truly good").

Although the true subject of this sentence must be inferred, grammatically speaking the sentence is otherwise well constructed. Each element in the series follows the same grammatical pattern: that of a subject noun followed by a predicate adjective.

Note 2: The base pattern of Part A is given by F的DE, where E is the predicate adjective of the modified noun-subject F的D. It is through the modification of the noun 照相機 (camera, cameras) by the adjective phrase 這個照相館的 that we learn the understood conceptual subject of the sentence -- namely, a 照相館.

The term 照相館 apparently applies to any store that deals in photography (see Note 5 below.

The speaker apparently believes that the cameras for sale in the shop are recent models 很新.

Note 3: The base pattern of Part Bis a modified noun followed by a predicate adjective. Only the grammar of the modifying phrase is different. Rather than a noun transformed into an adjective by the post particle 的 ; the modifying phrase is that of a nominalized verb phrase transformed into an adjective (the English equivalent of a relative clause without a relative pronoun).

The modifying nominalized verb is 照的 and the modified subject noun is 相 which means picture or portrait. Thus, the modified subject 照的相 means "the pictures taken (at the shop)". These pictures are 很好 (very good).

Note 4: Part C is grammatically simpler than parts Aand B, as the subject is the mere word 價錢 (prices), and the predicate adjective has been observed numerous times before -- namely, 不太貴 (not very expensive).

Note 5 (return to Note 2): Of particular interest is the word 照影館 which can mean either a photo studio where one goes to have one's picture taken, or a hybrid photography shop that includes the sale of cameras 照相机, camera equipment 攝影器材, film development 沖曬 and printing 沖印, as well as picture taking 攝影.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1460306
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1460310
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1466500
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1466506
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1466510


I know him. Nevertheless, I think he takes his work too seriously! When he makes a mistake, he does not admit it. This is not good.

Note 1: These are three statements made by one person about another. Together their base pattern appears as follows: A應識B。不過,A認為BC太認真!D,F,不太好 where A is the speaker and B is the person about whon he is commenting. The speaker believes that B does Cin too serious of a manner. The speaker gives Dand Fas the reason for his belief and then comments that it is not good.

Note 2: The first sentence A應識B is straight forward. It simply means that A(the speaker) knows B(the person about whom the speaker is speaking).

Note 3: The construction G,不過His not new, but the construction G。不過,H has not appeared before. Is the explanation for this pattern not the same in Chinese as it is in English? In effect, the adverbial conjunction 不過 connects the two sentences G and H conceptually. Rather than occurring between two clauses of the same sentence; however, the conjunction occurs at the beginning of the second sentence.

In any event, the content of His given by A認為BC太認真!and qualifies the information provided in the previous sentence A應識B。In effect, Aknows B, but rather than praising Bas a friend he criticizes him for being too serious 太認真 about the work that he performs 做事.

The clause 他做事太認真 appears as the object of the verb 認為 and tells us what the speaker thinks about 他. The phrase 太認真 appears as an adverb telling us how 他 performs his work 做事.

In other contexts, the word 認真 can apparently behaves as an adjective.

Note 4: The sentence 做錯事,不認錯 appears to function as a single unit and subject of the pattern K不太好.

Note 5: The subject of the sentence part 做錯事,不認錯 is 他 and is understood, but not stated.

The first clause 做錯事 is of the pattern 做M, where 錯事 is the object of the verb 做, and where 錯 behaves as an adjective describing 事 -- in effect, wrong thing or mistake.

The second clause is of the form 不認N where Nserves as the noun-object of the negated verb 認.

Thus, the character 錯 serves as both an adjective and noun in the same sentence part.

In this instance, the verb 認 apparently means to acknowledge or recognize. I have rendered it as admit to.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1462704


He has very good common sense and likes very much to tell jokes, but nobody cares what he has to say.

This is a sentence that every native speaker of a spoken Chinese language who aspires to good written fluency in English should memorize as an example of the important challenge that he or she faces.

Conceptually speaking, these two sentences are very easy to understand, but grammatically speaking they break several very fundamental rules of the English language.

Note 1: The base pattern is logically simple and can be rendered as A,也B。可是,Cwhere Aand Bare two related observations made by the speaker that appear in contradiction to the speaker's third observation,C.

Note 2: For all grammatical purposes the first sentence given by A,也Bconsists of two grammatical clauses each with its own subject and verb. Unfortunately, the subject of Part B is not stated and must be conceptually -- not grammatically -- inferred from information provided in Part A.

Note 3: Grammatically speaking part Ais quite simple consisting of the modified subject 他的常識 described by the predicate adjective 很多.

It says simply that the common sense (or general knowledge) of person 他 about whom the speaker is writing is ample 很多. The grammatical subject is 常識 -- not 他.

Even in Chinese the word 常識 is not likely countable, but still the word 多 is used to tell us to what degree 他's common sense is present.

Note 4: Except for the absence of an explicitly stated subject, Part Bis also, grammatically speaking, very simple. (他)也很喜歡DEwhere DEis also 也 something that 他 enjoys doing -- namely, telling 說 jokes 笑話.

Note 5: What is particularly troublesome about this sentence is the use of 也. Does it simply refer to two related ideas, or does it imply that these ideas are two facts about the same person or thing -- in this case, 他. If this latter be the case, then why is the subject not clearly expressed, as I have provided in the English rendering?

Note 6: The second sentence also follows an unusual pattern, insofar as the accusative (direct) object of the verb is not only placed in front of the verb, but also in front of the verb's subject.

The base pattern is HF都不喜歡G where GHis something that Fdoes not like doing, and where His the direct object of G.

It is customary in written Chinese to precede an accusative object placed before the verb with the preposition 把. This is certainly not the case here.

So, why has the direct object been brought forward? Is this bad Chinese grammar, is this passive construction with a known actor, or is it simply a matter of emphasis?

Consider the following two sentences:

i) 別人都不喜歡聽他說的話。
ii) 他說的話別人都不喜歡聽。

Are they not identical in meaning?

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1463958


This musician's wife and daughter are also very interested in music. The entire family is very happy.

Note 1: This sentence is a simple combination of two separate, but related ideas. The author appears to think that the second idea is the result of the first.

Note 2: The base pattern for the first idea is C的A跟B對D都很有興趣 where A and Bare two people related to another person C. Both Aand B take much interest in D.

In this case, it is the wife 太太 and children 子女 of a musician 音樂家 who take (have) 有 much 很 interest 興趣 in 對 music 音樂.

Note 3: The term 子女 means children (literally sons and daughters). The Chinese words for child, son, and daughter are 孩子, (兒子, 兒, and 子), and 女兒.

One might find it easy to remember the word 子女 by writing the words 兒子 and 女兒 together and then dropping the character 兒 -- in effect, 兒子女兒.

The terms 男子 (man, male person) and 女子 (woman, female person) do not refer specifically to children, rather they are used to identify persons of the opposite sex.

Note 4: The word 都 apparently refers to the wife and children of the musician. Does it mean that they all take an interest in music, or that each takes an interest in music as well?

Note 5: The second sentence part is simply the combination of a modified subject and its predicate adjective.

The subject is 他們一家 and the predicate adjective is 很快.

The presence of the word 都 serves to emphasis that everyone is very happy. The notion of everyone in the family is captured twice -- once, by the term 他們一家, and once by the term 都.

We have seen this "pronoun + noun", apositive-like construction before. It is apparently used for both emphasis of the noun and clarification of the pronoun.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1465506


The principal asked,"Does everyone understand what I am saying". One student raised his hand and replied,"I do not".

Note 1: These two sentences form a dialogue that is related to us by the speaker. The dialogue is between the principal of a school and his pupils. Only one pupil replies.

The base patterns are A說:「C?」and BD說「E。」where C?is the question asked by A and E is the response given by Bafter performing D.

Note 2: The base pattern of the question is H,F都Gwhere His the accusative object of G and Fis the actor who performs GH.

In this case the Principal 校長 asks 說:「?」 whether his students 你們都 (everyone) understand 明白 what he is saying 我說的話 (what I am saying / what I have said).

The placement of the accusative object at the beginning of the question and set off by a comma is probably for the purpose of emphasizing the content of the question for which the principal is seeking an answer.

Note 3: Before providing his response the student 一個學生 raises 舉 his hand 手 and then states 話 that he does not understand 我不明白.