目 的全字聲母韻母聲調 句子文法


謝先生謝太太都是廣東中山人。他們在香港開了一個賣書的鋪子。那個鋪了很大,每天的生意都很𣎴錯。他 們兩個人平時喜歡旅行。他們去過上海,北平,還去過美國,英國,法國,日本跟別的地方。要是有人問他們:「你們最喜歡的是甚麼?」他們一定會説:「旅 行。」

謝先生有四個兒子,一個女兒。大兒子美生,十六歲;二兒子英生,十四歲;三兒子法生,十二歲;四兒子旅 生,十歲;女兒港生,八歲。因為港生最小,所以謝先生一家人都很喜歡她。有一天,吃了飯以後,謝先生問孩子們説:「你們都知道你們的名字是甚麼意思嗎?」 孩子們都説:「不知道。」謝先生笑了一笑説:「美生是在美國生的,英生是在英國的,法生是在法國的,旅生是我們旅行的時候在一個旅館裡生的,港生是在香港 生的。我們姓謝,因為我要謝謝美國,英國,法國,那個旅館跟香港給我你們這五個好孩子,所以我給你們的名字是:謝美生,謝英生,謝法生,謝旅生跟謝港生。 你們都喜歡你們的名字嗎?」謝先生説完以後,港生説:「父親,母親,謝謝你們!我很喜歡旅行,我也很喜歡孩子。明天我也要去美國,英國,法國,日本,香港 等地方旅行,因為我要有兩個跟父親母親一様好的大孩子,五個跟我們一樣好的小孩子。可是誰做我的孩子們的父親呢?」這時候,謝先生謝太太跟他們四個兒子都 你看我,我看你,很喜歡他大笑起來了。

characters: 547

fan-1 yik-9

Mr. Tse and his wife are both from Zhongshan.1  They have opened a bookstore in Hong Kong. The store is very large, and business each year is not bad. Both like to travel very much. They have been to Shanghai and Beijing, as well as the United States, England, France, Japan, and other places. If people ask,  "What do you like doing most", they always respond, "Travel".

Mr. Tse has four sons and one daughter. The eldest son is Mei Sang. He is 16 years old. The second oldest is Ying Sang and is fourteen. The third oldest is Fat Sang, who is 12. His fourth son is Loey Sang. He is ten years of age. Hong Sang is his only daughter. She is eight. As she is the youngest, eveyone in the family is very fond of her.

One day after eating Mr. Tse asked his children 'Do you know what the meaning of each of your names is?" His children replied that they did not, and Mr. Tse responded laughingly "Mei Sang means  'born in the United States', Ying Sang means 'born in England', and Fat Sang means 'born in France'. Loey Sang means 'born in an inn while travelling', and Hong Sang means 'born in Hong Kong'.

We are called Tse, because I want to thank the people of the United States, England, France, the travel inn, and Hong Kong for our five wonderful children. It is for this reason that you are named Tse Mei-Sang, Tse Ying-Sang, Tse Fat-Sang, Tse Loey-Sang, and Tse Hong-Sang. Is everyone pleased with his or her name?

After her father's explanation Hong Sang declared, "Father, mother, thank you both! I like children and like to travel very much. Tomorrow I want to go to the United States, England, France, Japan, and Hong Kong and other places, so that I can have two big children just like you, and five small children just like us. But who will be the father of my children?」Whereupon Mr. Tse and his wife looked at each other, as did the other four children and laughed.

1 A city of Guang Dong province.

words: 350