
目 的︱全字︱聲母韻母聲調 句子 ︱文法b

他父親打字打得很快,可是吃飯吃得 很慢。

His father types very fast, but eats very slowly.

Note 1: The base pattern of the entire sentence is A,可是B, where both A and B are  of the pattern (F)CDC得E.

Note 2: The pattern (F)CDC得E repeats itself twice in the form 打字打得很快 and 吃飯吃得慢, and means that A performs CD in manner E. Apparently the transitive verb C is repeated so as to permit modification of the verb in the presence of the direct object D, The modifying phrase is 得E.

Note 3: The phrase 打字 means to type, and the phrase 吃飯 means to eat rice or simply to have a meal.

他的父母都很喜歡唱歌,可是他們都唱得不好聽。 Both his parent like to sing very much, but neither can sing very well.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A,可是B, where Bis a condition that appears to contradict A.

Note 2: The base pattern of the first clause is A都很喜歡B, where B is something that both Aenjoy doing very much. In this case Arefers to another's parents, and Bis their singing.

Note 3: The base pattern of the second clause is given by A都B得C, where B is something that both A perform in Cmanner. In this case the person's parents sing in a way that is difficult for anyone to listen.

Note 4: Although the pattern B得Cis not new the pattern B得不好Cis worth noting. The phrase following 得 can be negated.
錢先生有很多親友住在外國,他們有的做生意,有的做事。 Mr. Tsin has many friends and family that live overseas; some of them are self-employed and others hold jobs.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A有很多BC,B有的D,有的E, where B is something that A has that do C. Of B some do D and some do E.

In this case B are friends and family 親友 and C is where they live 住在外國. Dand E are what they do -- namely, business 做生意 and work 做事.

Note 2: The pattern 有的D appears to be quite standard, and can be translated as 'there are some who D" or more simply "some D".
他平時很喜歡喝酒,吃魚,旅行跟穿好看的衣服。 He likes to drink, eat fish, travel and wear nice clothes.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A很喜歡B,C,D跟Ewhere B, C, D, and Eare things that Alikes to do. The use of 跟 as the final conjunction of the series B, C, D, and E is worth noting.

Note 2: The literal meaning of 平時 is flat time. 平 is often used to indicate normal, routine, or usual conditions. Thus, I have translated the phrase 平時 to mean usually. As what one likes to do, his often what one engages in frequently, I have simply dropped the expression to avoid redundance.

Note 3: The phrase 穿好看的衣服 is of the pattern 穿A where is clothing 衣服 that is good looking 好看的.

Note 4: Here 旅行 means to travel.
你們都不喜歡聽他的笑話,可是都喜歡看他的笑容。 None of you like to listen to his jokes, but all of you like to see his smiling face.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A都不喜歡B,可是都喜歡C, where B and C are two things that all of A do not like and like, respectively. B and C are related, as the opposite feelings that all of A hold toward them are somewhat contradictory.

Note 2: Contrasted here are the words 笑話 and 笑容 meaning jokes and smiling face, respectively.
這個病人已經請了三天病假了,可是他每天還上山走走。 This person asked for three days sick-leave, but still he goes mountain climbing everyday.

Note 1:  The base pattern of this sentence is A,可是B, where B is an unexpected condition given A. In this case, someone who goes mountain climbing while on sick-leave.

Note 2: The base pattern of the first sentence is A請了B, where A is the subject 這個病人 and B is 三天病假. The clause is very troubling for two reasons: the presence of the adverb 已經 and the second occurrence of the word 了.

Note 3: Normally the expression 已經 translates as already, but in this instance it appears only to mean that the mountain climbing occurs after the request for sick leave.

Note 4: The second occurrence of the word 了 could be interpreted to mean either that the request was already granted, or simply that an after thought can be expected -- namely, the surpizing result that the "sick person" still goes mountain climbing everyday!

Note 5: The base pattern of the second clause is A每天BC where A refers back to the "sick person" and B is the activity 上山 in which the person engages very actively 走走.
住在這個旅館裡的白先生,每次旅行都花很多旅費。 Mr. White, who resides in this hotel, spends a lot of money each time he goes on a trip.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A每次B都C, where A is Mr. White who resides in the hotel, B is his going on trips, and C is his spending a lot of money each time he goes.

Note 2: The subject of this sentence is of the form B的A, where A is Mr. White and B的 is a relative clause telling where  Mr. White resides.

Note 3: The adverb 都  in the phrase (A)每次旅行都花很多旅費 refers to the event 每次旅行. With the addition of 都 each time becomes everytime.

Note 4: The phrase 花很多旅費 is of the pattern A很多B where B is the accusative object of A.
明天高校長去美國旅行,我因為有事,不去送行,行不行? Mr. Goh, our school principal, will leave for the United States on travel tomorrow. Because I am busy, I will not be able to see him off. Is that alright?

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A,我因為B,不C,C不C?, where C is something that the speaker asks the listener to do that the speaker cannot. The reason given for not being able to do C is B. Phrase A is an introductory remark very similar to that found in Japanese and of the form Aは、B。

Note 2: The first clause given by A is of the form D去E旅行, where Eis the destination of D. In this case Mr. Goh, the school principal, will go to the United States for his journey.

Note 3: The second clause is given by 我因為B,不C, where B is the reason that the speaker cannot perform C. In this case the speaker is busy 有事 , and he cannot see the principal off 去送行. The comma between the phrases 我因為有事 and 不去送行 is necessary, so that one does not confuse the activity 不去送行 with what the individual has to do -- namely, 有事.

Note 4: The phrase 行不行 is not related to the phrase 送行. 行不行?is idiomatic, and stands alone.
花先生有點兒眼花,可是他看書看得比我快。 Mr. Fa's vision is not so good, but he can read faster than I.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,可是B, where B is a fact contrary to one's expectations based on what is given in A.

Note 2: The base pattern of the first clause is A有點兒B, where B is something of which A has a little -- in this case poor vision.

Note 3: The base pattern of the second clause is ABCB得D where BC is an activity in which A engages in the manner B得D. In particular A reads books 看書 faster than the speaker 看得比我快.

Note 4: Though the construction BCB得D is nothing new, the placement of the phrase 比我 between the words 得快 adds a new dimension. Please recall the phrase A比BC that means A relative to B is more C.
我打算明天去他家後頭的假山玩,明天是假日,所以不用請假。 Tomorrow I will go and party in the rock garden behind his house. Since tomorrow is a vacation day, there is no need to ask for leave.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence A打算B,C,所以D where D results from condition C and A's plan to doB.  In this instance the speaker 我 plans 打算 to go to someone's home and party in the rockery behind that person's  house 去他家後頭的假山玩. Because tomorrow is not a vacation day 明天是假日, there is no need for the speaker to ask for vacation 不用請假.

Note 2: The pattern 去A玩 is not new, but the translation of 玩 is not easy in the absence of greater context.  Asking for a day off 請假 is an adult activity very different from play 玩. Thus, I have translated it as party. Alternatives might be play around, lounge around, mess around, etc.

Note 3: The phrase 他家後頭 is of the form AB頭, where Ais an object and B頭 is a place situated relative to that object. In this case the object is the person's house, and the place is behind the house 後頭. Thus, the phrase 他家後頭的 is a descriptive clause that describes the location of the house.