
目的全字聲母韻母聲調 句子 ︱文法b
1)李先生的千金很好看,許多人千方百計想做她的男朋友。 Mr. Li's daughter is very beautiful, and many boys are trying every possible way to become her boyfriend.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence is A,Bwhere A and Bare two related facts.

Note 2: The base pattern for the first sentence part is CD where Dis a predicate adjective that describes C. In this case, Mr. Li's daughter 李先生的千金 is very beautiful 很好看.

Note 3: The base pattern of the second sentence part is E千方百計想Fwhere Fis something that Ehas thought about in many different ways to achieve. In particular, many people (probably boys) 許多人 want to become the boyfriend 做她的男朋友 of Mr. Li's daughter.

Of particular interest here is the English tense that should be employed with the verb phrase 千方百計想. One common sense consideration might be to ask how the speaker could know the ways in which others are trying to become Mr. Li's Daughter's boyfriend unless the speaker or someone else (probably Mr. Li's daughter) has already observed them. This suggests an element of the past in the English rendering.

Nevertheless, in the Chinese sentence there is absolutely no grammatical reference to the past. Is it not, then, the case that the many ways are being tried and observed as an ongoing event in the life of Mr. Li's daughter?

Note 4: The phrase 千方百計 appears to be utilized here as an adverbial expression telling in what manner the speaker has thought about becoming Mr. Li's daughter's boyfriend -- namely, in every way possible.

Note 5: This sentence introduces still another use of the verb 做. The base pattern is, of course, 做G; it means "become" or "be" whatever follows. In this case, her (Mr. Li's daughter's) boyfriend 她的男朋友.

Note 6: The phrase 許多 means many. Notice the absence of a postpositional conjunction between 許多 and 人. Apparently 許多 functions here as an indefinite article describing 人.

Note 7: We have encounter the phrase 很好看 before. It means to "look very good" or "be very beautiful" -- i.e. be something that others can enjoy looking at.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1323399

2)這間工廠的工人很多,工作時間是從上午八時到下午六時。 The workers in this factory are many, and the working hours are from 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM.

Note 1: Like Entry #1 the base pattern of this sentence is simply the statement of two facts, and can thus be rendered as A,B.

Note 2: The base pattern of the first part of this sentence is of the simple form CD, where 很多 meaning "a lot", "many", or "numerous" is a predicate adjective describing 這間工廠的工人 -- namely, the workers 工人 of the factory 工廠的 to which the speaker refers 這閶. 間 is the counter for buildings.

Translated literally this sentence part means "The workers in this factory are many". The missing verb of presence 有 is noteworthy and likely indicates the speaker's interest in the number of factory employees, rather than their number at a given moment.

Unfortunately, the author fails to provide good parallel construction and provides far better precision in the second part of the sentence than in the first.

Note 3: The base pattern of the second part is similar to that of the first, where 從上午八時到下午六時 tells us the factory's work hours 工作時間.

Note 4: The construction 從E到Fis a common way to express a span of time or distance between two points Eand F. In this case 8:00 o'clock 八時 A.M. 上午 and 6:00 o'clock 六時 P.M. 下午.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1326631

3)他在香港出生,一直住了二十年,去年才到外國去讀書的。 He was born in Hong Kong where he lived for 20 years before going abroad last year to study.

Note 1: This sentence has two base patterns depending on which error is recognized. They are as follows:

i) 他A,B,CDwhere A, B, C, and D are a series of verb phrases of which 他 is the subject. Notice that the character 的 which appears at the end of the Chinese sentence is omitted here.

ii) 他是A的,B,CD的 where A的 and B,CD的 are understood predicate nouns that tell who the subject 他 is. Notice the insertion of an additional 的 after A and the verb 是 after 他. More specifically, the two nominalized verb phrases are 在香港出生的 (他) and 一直住了二十年,去年才到外國去讀書的(他)where 他 is the understood predicate noun.

In the absence of the verb 是 the presence of the character 的 in this sentence has no meaning; rather, it functions as an obnoxious filler with neither gramatical, nor semantic import.Accordingly, neither can it be thought of as a meaningful sentence suffix, such as 嗎, 吧, 呀, and 呢; nor does it fulfill one of its more traditional roles as a nominalizer or adjectival conjunction (see Note 2 below).

Note 2: As a nominalizer the character 的 often appears in the following form X是Y的(X)where the second X does not appear, but is understood. As an adjectival conjunction the character 的 appears before a noun and serves to bind what ever comes before 的 as a characteristic of that noun. For example, W的 in the phrase W的Zis an adjectival modifier of Z. In this context W的 can serve either of two roles -- a relative clause or an adjectival phrase modifying Z.

Note 3: In the phrase 在香港出生 the phrase 在香港 tells where 他 was born 出生. The phrase 在香港 is of the form 在E; it serves as a prepositional phrase of location.

Note 4: The base pattern of the verb phrase 一直住了二十年 we have seen before. It is of the form 住了Gwhere Gis the number of years lived -- in this case, 20 years. 一直 apparently means that 他 has lived these 20 years year consecutively at the same location. It has the same meaning as 一本 in Japanese.

Note 5: The base pattern of the verb phrase 去年才到外國去讀書 is 到H去J where His some place where 他 goes to perform J -- in this case, overseas 外國 to study 讀書. The meaning of the character 才 is not terribly useful, but neither is it meaningless, as it introduces the last event in a series of two events. It has the meaning of "then". 去年 means "last year".

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1326879

4)要是主人的主 張太多,工人們便很難做事了。 A boss who insists too much makes it difficult for workers to perform their work.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is 要是A,便B了 where Ais some condition that when present brings about B. The use of 便 and 了 in this context appears to indicate the inevitability of Boccurring when Ais present. This sentence likely expresses a common sense fact.

Note 2: The base pattern for Ais simply CD where Dserves as a predicate adjective to C. The phrase 主人的 serves as an adjectival modifer to the noun 主張 which means insistence.

A 主人 (main or principal person) can be translated in many different ways depending on the context. Here it probably means a boss.

太多 is of the form 太Eand means too much of E.

Note 3: The base pattern for the second part of this sentence is F很難G where G is something that Ffinds difficult to perform. In this case the workers 工人們 find it difficult to perform their 很難做事.

If the word 做事 is, indeed, a verb in this context, then the phrase 很難 must serve as its adverbial modifier . Thus, it is not the case that the work is in and of itself difficult 很難的做事, rather that the work is difficult to perform when the boss exerts too much pressure.

工人們 is the plural of 工人 which means hand laborers.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1328929

5)他跟她以前是同學。現在是同事,要是她同意做他的太太就好了。 He and she are former classmates, and now they work together. If only she would agree to become his wife.

Note 1: This entry is composed of two sentences that relate to the relationship of a man and woman.

Note 2: The base pattern of the first sentence is A跟B以前是Cwhere Cdescribes the nature of the previous relationship between Aand B.

The phrase A跟Bis not new and expresses the idea that Bgoes together with A.

The phrase 以前是 can be translated as "were". 以前 serves as an adverb to the verb 是 telling us that the current state is, in fact, no longer.

Note 3: The second sentence describes the man and woman's new relationship and expresses a wish on the part of the speaker about action the speaker would like to see the woman take. The base pattern for this sentence is D,要是E就好了, where Dis a condition that the speaker would like to see give rise to E.

The subject of the first part of the second sentence is understood to be that of the first sentence. No pronoun is required. This is a common feature of many languages including Japanese and Spanish. The contrast between the phrases 以前是 (were) and 現在是 (are) and the phrases 同學 (classmates) and 同事 (colleagues) represent the grammatical and conceptual link that bind together the first sentence and the first part of the second sentence.

Note 4: The construction 要是E就好了 is apparently that of a wish, where E is the substance of the wish -- namely, 她同意做他的太太. The speaker wishes that she 她 would agree 同意 to become 做 the man's wife 他的太太.

The phrase 做他的太太 could be translated as either "be his wife" or "become his wife". "Become his wife" seems more appropriate, as the man and woman do not appear to be married. The use of the phrase 他的太太, rather than 他太太 also suggests that the knot has yet to be tied.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1330807

6)交朋友要小心,因為壞朋友不但不會幫你、還會教壞你。 You must be careful about choosing your friends. Bad friends will not only fail to help you, but they will also lead you astray.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,因為Bwhere Bis an explanation as to why Ais true.

Note 2: The first part of this sentence is a warning whose base pattern is given by A要小心 where A is something about which one should be careful. Literally rendered it means "making friends requires caution".

Perhaps the absence of a subject for the phrase 交朋友 is what gives this phrase its gerund-like quality.

Note 3: The base pattern of Bis C不但D,還Ewhere Dand Eare two things that C does or does not do. The phrase 不但D,還Ecan be translated as "not only D, but also E".

The two verb phrases 不會幫你 and 會教壞你 are both constructed with the modal verb 會 and share similar, but opposing base patterns -- namely, 不會Fand 會G.

Note 4: The phrase 幫你 is apparently standard and can be probably be generalized as 幫H where His the person who is helped.

Note 5: Translated literally, the verb phrase 教壞 means "teach bad" -- in other words, leading someone astray by teaching them the wrong things to think or do.

Important to note here is the syntax of the phrase 教壞你 -- namely, verb + d.o. + i.o.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1332723

7)他們父子合乍做的生意很壞,因為他們賣的東西都不太好。 The business jointly performed by the father and son is not good, because what they sell is so bad.

Note 1: The base pattern for this sentence isA,因為Bwhere Bis an explanation given by the speaker for some condition A.

Note 2: The base pattern for Ais given by E的C很Dwhere 很Dserves as a predicate adjective to E的C. Here, the speaker tells us that a business 生意 run jointly by a father and son 父子合作做 is doing poorly 很壞.

The phrase 他們父子合作做的 serves as a relative clause describing the business 生意.

Note 3: The base pattern for part Bis nearly identical to that of A. Once again, a relative clause 他們賣的 is used to describe a subject 東西 (things, goods, etc.) that is further described by a predicate adjective 不太好.

The placement of 都 before the predicate adjective 不太好 reinforces the negative condition observed by the speaker in part A. Here it is the conceptual, rather than the grammatical similarity that is reinforced -- namely, 很壞 and 不太好.

Note 4: The subject phrase 他們父子 consists of a pronoun 他們 and a noun 父子 that function together similarly to an English apositive -- either could stand alone, and each contains information different from the other. This pronoun-noun juxtaposition appears to be a common construction in written Chinese.

Rendering it as an English apositive would be very awkward, though. In this instance the pronoun is probably best rendered as a definite article telling which father and son.

Note 5: It is unclear whether the word 合作 functions as an adverb describing 做 or as a stand alone verb. In either case, its meaning when used in conjunction with 做 is clear.

The phrase 做生意 appears to be a common Chinese pattern that means "do business".

Note 6: The phrase 不太好 is the negation of 太好 which can mean either "so good", "very good" or "too good". Here it conveys the meaning of "so good" or "very good".

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1333465

8)要在香港找一間交通方便,地點又適中的房子真不容易。 Having to find a dwelling in Hong Kong that is both conveniently located and easily accessible is truly difficult.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A真不容易 where Ais an activity that is very difficult to achieve. The phrase 真不容易 serves as a predicate adjective that describes A which appears as the subject of the sentence.

Note 2: The base pattern of A is 要找Bwhere Bis the direct object of the verb phrase 要找. The absence of a subject suggests the presence of a nominalized verb phrase.

Note 3: The base pattern of the direct object is 一間DE,F又G的房子 where DE and F又G are two complementary relative clauses that describe 一間房子. The separation of a counter 一間 from the noun 房子 that it modifies by additional modifying elements DE,F又G的 should be well understood by now.

Note 4: Viewing DE and F又G as complementary relative clauses helps to explain the placement of the adverbial conjunction 又 before G.

In effect, DEcan be translated to mean "transportation is very accessible" (交通方便), and FG as "the place is centrally located" (地點適中). See Special Notes for additional examples.

Note 5: The placement of the adverbial phrase 在香港 between the modal verb 要 and the main verb 找 also appears to be common usage.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1336103
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1336105
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1336115

9)他從早上一直工作到深夜,連吃飯跟睡覺都忘了。 i) He works nonstop from morning until late into the night even forgetting to eat or sleep.

ii) He worked from morning until late into the night without even stopping to eat or sleep.

Note 1: Two translations have been offered, because it is difficult to know the exact role of 了 without an appropriate modifier of time.

Note 2: The base pattern of this sentence is A,連C都忘了where Bis something that is forgotten 忘了 while, or as the result of, performing A. It is uncertain, whether 了 refers to the act of forgetting (first rendering) or the entire sentence (second rendering).

Important to note is that 連C都Bintensifies the action or condition expressed in A by providing further evidence as to why Amust be true in the eyes of the speaker. Here, the subject of the sentence 他 (forgets/forgot) 忘了 to eat 吃飯 and sleep 睡覺.

As no passive voice construction can be induced from this context, we must assume that the d.o. + verb inversion is for emphasis.

The conjunction 跟 combines the two acts of eating and sleeping into a double direct object of 忘了.

Note 3: The base pattern of the first part of this sentence is given by D從早上E到深夜 where Eis something that Dperforms from morning 從早上 until evening 到深夜. In this case, it is 他 who works nonstop 一直工作.

This sentence part could also be written with no change in meaning as D從早上到深夜都一直工作. That one can place the phrase 一直工作 either between or after the endpoints of the time period suggests flexibility worthy of notation.

Note 4: The idea of 一直 in this context is that of nonstop, continuous, uninterrupted, or perhaps even, dedicated activity.

Note 5: 工作 function here as a verb meaning to work.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1337983
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1337991

10)你可以指出這一段跟那一段的說法,有甚麼不同嗎? Can you point out the difference between this and that passage of text?

Note 1: Although the individual parts of this sentence can be easily explained using common grammatical rules, the whole of it cannot and must be divided into two questions and two base patterns:

i) A可以指出C跟D的B嗎? where the speaker asks the listener A, if he/she can point out 指出 the Bof Cand D, and

ii) 有甚麼E?where the speaker asks the listener, what Eis present.

What makes this sentence particularly difficult to understand is the somewhat arbitrary use of the sentence suffix 嗎.

On the one hand, the speaker appears to be asking the listener, if he can perform a certain task 你可以指出這一段跟那一段的說法嗎? On the other hand, the speaker appears to be looking for information 有甚麼不同呀?about what the listener has been asked to point out. Since only the suffix 嗎 appears, must we not assume that the speaker would be satisfied with a Yes/No type response.

Note 2: The phrase 一段的B means a unit of text. The character 段 can apparently express several different kinds of textual units including a paragraph, a section, or passage. In this case there are two units of text -- namely, 這C(this unit) and 那D(that unit).

The text itself uses logical argumentation for its basis and is therefore expressed as 說法. The text could be a logical argument, an explanation, or simply an interpretation or opinion. As we have no context, I have rendered it as "text".

Note 3: The phrase 不同 is employed here as a noun meaning difference.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1339791