
目的全字聲母韻母聲調 句子 ︱文法a
11)請你千萬當面交給他,因為裏面的東西很重要。 Be sure to present this to him in person, because what's inside is very important.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is 請你A,因為B where A is a request or polite command that the speaker justifies with B.

Note 2: The base pattern for the request is given by 請你千萬C where Cis some action that the speaker encourages the listener to perform . 請千萬 translates here as "Be sure to", "Please be sure to", or even "Please do".

Note 3: What is requested is given by 當面交給他 where 當面交給 means "present in person". 當面 means "in front of" and 交給 means to give 給 upon meeting 交. 交給 is a single word.

What must be rendered in English as a transitive verb requiring both an indirect and direct object is given in Chinese with only the indirect object 他. In fact, we are never told what is to be presented, only that what is inside is important.

Certainly the object to be presented must already be known by both the speaker and the listener.

Note 4: The justification for being sure that the unstated object is presented in person is given by the phrase 裏面的東西很重要 whose base pattern is that of a modified subject and a predicate adjective E的DF where E的Dis the modified subject and Fis the predicate adjective given by 很重要.

Note 5: The grammatically different, but conceptually similar uses of the character 面 in the phrases 當面 (adverb) and 裏面的 (adjective) are worth noting. In both cases 面 refers to a location with respect to some object. In the first instance, the object is the receiver of the action "present", and in the second instance, the object is the unstated container.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1341851

12)他今天早上起來才知道昨天晚上睡覺的時候,忘了關電燈。 Not until he got up this morning did he realize that he had forgotten to turn out the light when he went to bed last night.

Note 1: (直到)A才知道Bwhere Bis something that the subject realizes (takes notice of / becomes aware of / learns) only after some other event takes place, or some other condition is present -- namely, A.

The pattern (直到)A才..is apparently common and can be tranlated as "not until A ..." when A includes a time frame that precedes the time frame of what follows 才. The phrase 直到 can be omitted.

Note 2: The "other event" in this case is obviously 今天早上起來. The verb 起來 can be translated to mean "get up" or "wake up". The idea of 起 appears closer to the former than the latter.

Notice how the adverbs of time are ordered from largest 今天 (today) to smallest 早上(moning). This is a common pattern also found in Japanese.

Note 3: The object of the subject's forgetfulness is the sentence part 昨天晚上睡覺的時候,忘了關電燈. As the subject of what is forgotten and who gets up is the same, it is not repeated.

The pattern of this sentence part is given by C的時候,D where Dis something that is performed at the time indicated by C. As the phrase C的時 is quite long and serves as a modifier of time for the verb that follows a comma is placed after it.

The time given by the phrase C的時候 is given by 昨天晚上睡覺. Notice, once again, the order of the adverbial modifiers of time from largest to smallest.

Note 4: The character combination 睡覺 literally means sleep, but in this case, it probably translates best as "go to bed".

Note 5: The sentence part 忘了關電燈 is of the form E了Fwhere Fis something that the understod subject forgot. The past tense is indicated by the character 了 followed by the direct object F.

In this particular case, the direct object is a nominalized verb phrase given by 關電燈. Once again, the subject of this phrase is understood as the same that begins the sentence many verb phrases before.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1343213

13)他對每一件事都很留意,所以他知道的事比別人多。 He pays careful attention to everything and as a result knows more than others.

Note 1: The base pattern to this sentence is A,所以B where Bis, in the speaker's mind, the logical consequence of A.

Note 2: The base pattern of the first part of this sentence is 他對每一D都Cwhere Cis something that 他 does with regard to every D. In this case, 他 pays careful attention 很留意 to 對 each thing 每一作事.

The terms 每一 and 都 work together to express the notion of every, rather than each. 作 is the counter for 事, which is not otherwise specified, and can thus be translated to mean any thing.

Note 3: The base pattern for the second part of this sentence is E比F多, where Eand Fare two things compared by the speaker who finds E to be more abundant than F.

Though understandable, and therefore probably very common, the second part of this sentence is grammatically weak, as the basis for comparison is not clearly stated. In effect, the author is comparing what 他 knows 知道的 with other people 別人, rather than what other people know 別人知道的. Grammatically more precise renderings of the Chinese would be:

a) 他知道的事比別人的多 or,

b) 他知道的事比別人知道的多

In general, what is permissible to omit in oral speech is not permissible in written expression, as the reader is not present to confirm the author's intention. Thus, the Chinese sentence provided in this entry should be received with caution.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1345713

14)李太太有三間房子出租,租錢都不貴,二百塊錢一間吧了。 Mrs. Li has three inexpensive rooms for rent -- only two hundred dollars each!

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,都B,C吧了where A, B, and C are three related facts. The second and third facts providing more detail about the first. The meaning of 吧了 is not entirely clear.

Note 2: The base pattern of the first fact is D有EFwhere Eis something that Dhas, and where Fis something that Ddoes to E. In this case, Ms. Li 李太太 has three flats 三間房子 that she has put up for rent 出租.

This is still another good example where the same word plays more than one grammatical role in the same sentence. On the one hand, the three rooms 三間房了are the accusative object of the verb 有 (have, own, possess) and follow the verb. On the other hand, they are the accusative object of the verb 出租 and precede the verb.

Note 3: The connection between BandC, though conceptually both clear and direct, is grammatically speaking, weak. On the one hand, one is inclined to view 租錢 as the subject of both BandC; on the other hand, Cappears to be little more than an appended descriptive fact.

The confusion arises, because parts Aand Bare grammatically linked by the adverbial conjunction 都 with no additional grammatical link to part C.

Note 4: The base pattern of part Bis very simple -- namely, G都不H, where 不His a predicate adjective describing the subject G. In this case, the rent 租錢 is cheap 不貴.

Note 5: The base pattern for part Cis also common and is given by the structure JKwhere Kis some unit of measurement andJis the value of that unit. In this case, one flat or room 一間(房子)goes for 二百塊錢.

Note 6: The word 房子 can have various meanings including that of a house, flat, room, or apartment. The descriptive counter 一間 and the price of the unit 二百塊錢 suggest that the dwellings in question are indeed rooms.

Note 7: Also, noteworthy is the way in which the money is counted. One writes 二百塊錢, rather than 兩百塊錢.

Note 8: As already stated the meaning of 吧了 is not clear. On the one hand, it appears to be a spoken form of the more simply written sentence suffix 吧; on the other, it could be a misprint for the sentence suffix 罢了 which means "merely" or "only". Whether it is the persuasive 吧, or the more factual 罢了, the translation appears to be the same.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1347323

15)這條河的水很深,但是水裏的魚不很大,所以打魚的人不常來。 The water of this river is very deep, but the fish in it are not very big. As a result few people come to fish.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,但是B,所以Cwhere C is the logical result of a contradiction observed by the speaker. The contradiction is given by the sentence part A,但是B.

Note 2: The base pattern of Ais that of a subject and predicate adjective -- namely, E的DFwhere Fis the predicate adjective 很深 (very deep) and E的Dis the modified subject 這條河的水 (the water of this river).

Note 3: 條 is the counter for rivers, and the phrase 這條河 means "this river".

Note 4: The base pattern of Bfollows a pattern similar to that of A; simply, the predicate adjective is negative, rather than positive. The phrase 水裏的 is an adjectival phrase that modifies 魚 (fish), which is further modified by the predicate adjective 不很大 (not very big).

The phrase 水裏 means in the water, but in order to play the role of an adjective the possessive conjunction 的 must be added -- thus, 水裏的魚 (the fish in the water).

Note 5: The base pattern for Cis somewhat dfferent from Aand B as the modified subject of the clause appears with the action verb 來 (come), rather than a predicate adjective.

The phrase 打魚的人 means people 人 who fish 打魚, and the phrase 不常 (not often) is an adverbial modifier of the verb to come 來.

Note 6: Obviously there is more than one way to render the meaning of this sentence. Consider for example the following:

English: This river is very deep, but the fish are not very big. Therefore, people do not come to fish often".

This Chinese and English rendering places the emphasis on the river, rather than the quality of its water.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1349709

16)說話真不容易,要是太深,別人就不容易明白,要是太淺,又怕別人說沒有學問。The art of speaking is truly difficult. If one is too deep, others will not understand easily. If one is too shallow, one will be accused of ignorance.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,要是B,就D,要是C,又E。Where A is a problem that the speaker expresses as a Catch 22 dilemma (左右為難) consisting of two, equally poor alternatives B,就D and C,又E.

In other words, one can perform either Bor C. Doing B, yields the negative result D, and doing Cyields the negative result E. As both actions lead to negative results, the dilemma expressed in A arises.

Note 2: The base pattern of the problem is FG, where Fis the subject 說話 and Gis the predicate 真不容易.

The word 說話 is a noun with various meanings including self-expression, explaination, formal speaking, and others. 容易 is an adjective that means easy. 真 is an adverb that intensifies the negation of 容易 -- namely, 不容易.

Note 3: The base pattern of the first alternative of the dilemma is given by B,就D whereDis what results from B. In this case, too deep 太深 of an explanation results in others 別人 not being able to understand easily 不容易明白.

Note 4: The base pattern of the second alternative of the dilemma is given by D,又Ewhich, logically speaking, follows the same pattern as the first -- namely, E is the result of D. In this case, too shallow 太淺 of an explanation, results in one's fear 怕 of others 別人 saying 說 that one is lacking in knowledge 沒有學問.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1351685

17)要是沒有醫生的許可,病人是不可以離開病房的。 Patients are not to leave their rooms without the permission of a physician.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is 要是A,B where A is a precondition for B.

Note 2: The base pattern for the precondition is 沒有Cwhere Cis something without which Bis not suppose to happen. In this particular case, what is missing 沒有 is the permission 許可 of a physician 醫生的.

Note 3: The base pattern for the activity whose precondition is A is given by D是E的. The phrase 是E的 is likely an abbreviated form of the understood predicate nominative 是E的(D). This grammatical construct appears to be particularly useful when stating rules, because the subject and the person to whom the rule applies are made one in the same. Because the rule is made to appear inherent to the person, exceptions to the rule on the part of that person are thus made difficult.

In this particular case, the patient 病人 may not 不可以 leave 離開 his hospital room (ward) 病房 without the permission of a physician.

Note 4: In this particular instance 不准 and 不可以 appear to have the same meaning -- not allowed or not permitted.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1353915

18)去外國留學的費用很大,不但學費貴,連旅費也要不少錢。 The cost of studying overseas is substantial -- not only are tuition fees expensive, but the cost of travel is also high.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A,不但B,連CwhereBandCare offered by the speaker as evidence for a claim that he makes withA.

Note 2: Part Aof this sentence follows the simple base pattern DEwhere Eis a predicate adjective describing D. In particular, the cost 費用 of going overseas 去外國 to study 留學 is high 很大 (very large).

Note 3: The word 留學 is the word commonly used for overseas study. Literally, it means to stay and study. In others word, after visiting you do not return; rather you remain and study.

Note 4: The pattern 不但B,連C is not new, and in this case means "not only A, but also B".

Though poorly constructed, as the elements Aand Bare lacking in parallel grammatical structure, these sentence parts are easy to understand.

Part Bis of the form DEdescribed above (See Note 2) where 學費 (tuition) corresponds to Dand 貴 (expensive) corresponds to E.

Part Cis of the form F要GwhereFis the name of some expense, andGis the corresponding expense amount. In this case, what must be paid is travel expenses 旅費 and the amount that must be paid is 不少錢 (not a small sum of money).

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1355385

19)香港的人越來越多,到現在已經有五百五十萬了。 Hong Kongers are gradually becoming more numerous; already they are 5,500,000.

Note 1: The base pattern of this sentence is A越來越B,到C了where Cis the state of what Ais gradually becoming -- namely, B.

Note 2: The sentence part described by A越來越Bcan be most easily understood by examing closely the meanings of AandB. 香港的人 are, of course, the people of Hong Kong. They are gradually becoming 越來越 more numerous 多.

Note 3: The sentence part 到C了 is probably best understood in relationship to the phrase A越來越B. Whereas the phrase A越來越Bdescribes something that is in the process of becoming, the phrase 到C了describes a condition that has already been reached. In this case 香港的人 have reached 五百五十萬(5,500,000)people.

Note 4: The phrase 現在已經 used in conjunction with the sentence contruct A越來越B,到C了 expresses the idea that something that is in the process of becoming has already reached, and is currently in, a certain state. In this case, the number of Hong Kongers 香港的人 has already reached, and currently is 5,500,000 people 五百五十萬.

Note 5: The traditional Chinese and Japanese methods of counting differ from those of the West. Whereas the West uses increments of 103 for large numbers, the Chinese and Japanese increment with intervals of 104. Thus 550 萬 is equal to 550 x 104 or 550,0000 -- i.e., 5,500,000.

In spoken Cantonese one must be careful not to confuse the characters 元 and 萬 as their pronunciations are similar. The first is the symbol for the Hong Kong dollar, and the second is the symbol for 10,000. 1萬元 means HK$10,000. 1萬美元 is equal to US$10,000.

The too, there is more than one pronunciation for the symbol 元. Depending on how it is used the meaning of the character can be very different.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1356635



Do you know when the sun casts its longest and shortest shadows?

Note 1: The base pattern to this sentence is A知道B,C嗎? where B and Care two things about which the speaker asks the listener whether the latter is knowledgeable.

In particular the speaker wants to know whether the listener knows when 什麼時候 the sun's shadows 影子 are the longest 最長 and shortest 最短.

Note 2: The syntax of Band Cis parallel, but not identical, and the second occurrence is abbreviated. The base pattern of Bis 什麼E的D最F and the base pattern of Cis 什麼E最G. In brief, the subject of what is being compared -- namely, 影子 -- is absent in part C.

In effect, the modified noun phrase 什麼時候的影子 is the subject of both parts B and C, and the phrases 最長 and 最短 are predicate adjectives that describe them.

Note 3: This sentence likely contains unnecessary redundancy and could be written as 你知道什麼時候的影子最長,最短嗎? with no change in meaning.

Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1358793
Source: http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1360009